Plibersek tells Israel to change its mind

September 12, 2014 by J-Wire Staff
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Australia’s Shadow Foreign Minister has told Israel to scrap its latest claim of West Bank Land.

Tanya Plibersek

Tanya Plibersek

In a statement to media Tanya Plibersek said:

“The Israeli Government must reverse its decision to claim almost 400 hectares of land in the West Bank.

Ten days ago, Labor called on the Israeli Government to explain its actions.  Subsequent reports indicate the land may be used to expand Israeli settlements in the area.

Unilateral action like this, by any party, only undermines the peace process and the prospect of successfully negotiating a two-state solution.

It is particularly disappointing given recent agreement to a ceasefire that ended the terrible violence of the Gaza conflict.

Israeli settlement activity in the West Bank is not in line with international law.

Labor supports a return to negotiations between the parties for a lasting peace through a two state solution.”



5 Responses to “Plibersek tells Israel to change its mind”
  1. Abraham Moses says:

    It would be alright to negotiate peace with Hamas or any other terrorist organisation. But can you guarantee peace? They might accept, and send you “Peace Rockets”.

  2. Abraham Moses says:

    Can you negotiate peace with Hamas, or any terrorist country with any guarantee. They will accept peace, and send you “Peace Rockets.”

  3. Ben Eleijah says:

    They know Israel will not stop expanding settlements unless the USA tells Israel to stop and backs it with cuts to funds and weapons.

  4. Matthew Johnston says:

    Don’t fire rockets i am generally against land appropriations but that is what happens in war. It was either re occupying Gaza. But Israel seize land, that is the punishment and repercussions and deterrent.

  5. Otto Waldmann says:

    Do I really need to articulate what the Israeli Government will say in reply to Ms.Plibersek’s unsolicited irrelevant tripe !!!??? That’s if Israel would consider wasting time and words on a mob of losers……ALP, are they anywhere in the Middle Eastern picture at all !!!

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