Peter Dutton joins Friday night service at Central Synagogue

May 26, 2024 by J-Wire Newsdesk
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Peter Dutton addressed the Sydney’s Central Synagogue congregation during Friday evening’s Shabbat service.


Peter Dutton meets members of the community

In introducing Peter Dutton, Rabi Levi Wolff said: “What is the opposite of a conformist? A person of principle. A person who stands their ground based on their own moral compass, someone truly authentic.  Even if they are the only one with moral clarity, then so be it.  THIS is the opposite of a conformist.  And this is Peter Dutton.

Our leader of the opposition has been unreserved in his staunch vocal support of Israel and his concern for the Jewish community. Not only did he vigorously condemn the Hamas atrocities, but he was one of the strongest voices outraged by the infamous Opera House scenes on October 9.  Mr Dutton is not just about “words”, he is a man of action.

He holds the government to account and draws attention to the weakness in antisemitism, inaction of our University Chancellors, seeking to establish a senate inquiry and the lack of support for Israel relating to the ICC.

In these shocking and bewildering times for our people, we have learned the hard way who our friends are all over the world.  We have very few in the media, fewer still in academia, and almost none at the United Nations and its international courts.  But we have a very important friend right here at home in Australian politics.  And he is by no means a conformist.

Minister Dutton, on behalf of the community I would like to give you a huge thank you.  Not only have you shown us unwavering public support, but you have privately checked in on us on a regular basis. You have set a moral standard in a world that, quite frankly, feels like it’s gone mad! ”

As to be expected, the Leader of the Opposition spoke on the rising antisemitism and what has been happening in Australian universities. He made special mention of Professor Jennifer Westacott, who is the chancellor of Western Sydney University and has shown her support for the community.

He said that his policy would be 100% education with no tolerance for indoctrination and a call for all students to visit a Holocaust museum.

On X, he tweeted: “In the battle against anti-Semitism in Australia, people of Jewish faith are not alone.

The Coalition I lead will continue to call out and condemn anti-Semitism wherever and whenever we see it on our soil.

Anti-Semitism is a threat to Australian achievement, to our democratic way of life, and to civilisation itself.

Wonderful to join with Rabbi Wolff and members of the Central Synagogue in Bondi Junction before Shabbat.”

Remembering the hostages

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