Peres supports Pollard release

July 30, 2015 Agencies
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Former Israeli President Shimon Peres has expressed his support for the pending release of Jonathan Pollard.

Jonathan Pollard

Jonathan Pollard

He said: “I support the important decision to release Jonathan Pollard. Jonathan has been sitting in prison for 30 years and his release is important and necessary from both a moral and humanitarian standpoint. Even after 30 years, a prisoner does not stop being a human being. I discussed the release of Jonathan with President Obama several times, and in June of 2014 I brought to his attention a bi-partisan petition signed by 106 members of the Israeli Knesset, both the opposition and the coalition, representing the opinion of most Israeli citizens who believe in Pollard’s release. During my meetings with President Obama he made it clear to me that he would not make any objections should the courts choose to release Jonathan. As agreed we kept this process discreet, and today I am very happy that the Jonathan’s release has been approved without any objections from the American Congress. “

Peres thanked the people who have worked for Pollards release along with all the volunteers, Israeli citizens and Jewish organizations in the US and around the world who never stopped working for Pollard’s release as both a moral and nationalist mission. Former President Peres said that their

Shimon Peres

Shimon Peres

dedication to this important cause was inspiring and paved the road to his release.

Throughout his Presidency, Shimon Peres worked hand in hand with the Pollard Release Committee and the American government and the courts. President Peres supported the efforts which led to Jonathan Pollard’s release through petitions, letters and discussions.

Jonathan Jay Pollard is a former United States government employee who in 1987 pleaded guilty to spying for – and providing above top-secret classified information to Israel. The former intelligence analyst was then sentenced to life in prison. He is expected to be released on parole on November 21 this year.

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