Peres Condolence Book in NSW Parliament
In a show of multi-party support at the NSW State Parliament, the NSW Multiculturalism Minister John Ajaka, the Christian Democrats MLC Paul Green and NSW Labor frontbencher and Labor’s deputy chair of the NSW Parliamentary Friends of Israel Walt Secord this week officially signed the condolence book in honour of Israel President and Prime Minister Shimon Peres.

John Ajaka, Paul Green and Walt Secord
The condolence book was made available to NSW Parliamentarians in the office of the NSW Speaker by the State Zionist Council of NSW and was in the presence of NSW SZC president Mr Richard Balkin.
Mr Secord said it was an honour and pleasure to officially sign the condolence book and formally show his respect to the life and achievements of a dedicated servant to the State of Israel and the Jewish people.
“While a great statesman has left us – may the path to peace remain,” Mr Secord wrote.
Mr Secord added: “At important times like this, we must aside our differences and come together to pay tribute to the life and achievements of Mr Shimon Peres. His passing closes an important and significant chapter in Israel’s history. However, we all continue to pray for a lasting peace with a two-State solution for Israel and the Palestinian people. That would be a testament to the life and work of Shimon Peres.”