Parliamentary Petition – act now

June 18, 2014 by J-Wire
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A petition calling for action by the Australian parliament on the abduction of three Israeli teenagers is in place but needs to be acted on IMMEDIATELY.

The three boys are Eyal Yifrah (19) from El’ad, Naftali Frenkel (16) from Nof Ayalon, and Gil-Ad Shaer (16) from Talmon. The boys are students of the Mekor Chaim yeshiva at Kfar Etzion in the West Bank‘s Area C, and were taken while returning home near Gush Etzion.

Although Hamas has denied involvement, some months ago Hamas published an 18-page manual on abduction techniques entitled “Guide for the Kidnapper.” What’s more Palestinian Authority (PA) security officials have released video footage of what they describe as an underground dungeon Hamas had prepared meant to hide abducted Israelis. Most therefore agree that Hamas is involved.

Members of the community have put together a petition to parliament requesting action by the Australian Parliament.  A copy of the petition is attached.

I urge you to get as many people as possible to sign it so that the Parliament is made aware of the strength of feeling in the community.

There are strict rules about the form of the petitions that the Parliament will accept, these include that:

  1. Each signature on the petition must be made by the person signing in his or her own handwriting (no photocopies or scans). Therefore the attached petition will need to be printed out, in order to be signed.
  2. Every page which contains signatures must contain the words of the petitionTherefore if you get lots of people to sign the petition, make sure the words of the petition are on each signed page.

So that all the signatures can be collated and tabled in parliament as soon as possible, please put the signed petition in the mail to my office: PO Box 2086 St Kilda West Victoria 3182, by Friday 20 June 2014.

Let’s all work together to help #bringbackourboys.




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