Over 150 terrorists released in Shalit deal have returned to terrorism, responsible for 10 Israeli deaths

May 14, 2019 by Aryeh Savir - TPS
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Over 150 terrorists released as part of the deal between Israel and the Hamas terror organization to release IDF soldier Gilad Shalit have returned to terrorism and have been involved in the death of at least 10 Israelis.

Two killed and two seriously wounded in a terrorist attack on Route 60, at Asaf Hill between Ofra and Bethel in Binyamin. Ofra, Dec 13, 2018. Photo by David Michael Cohen/TPS

Israel released 1,027 terrorists imprisoned in Israeli jails in 2011 in return for the release of Shalit, who was abducted by Hamas on the Gaza border in 2006.

Hamas military leader Ahmed Jabari was quoted in 2011 in the Saudi Arabian newspaper Al-Hayat as confirming that the terrorists released in the deal were collectively responsible for the killing of 569 Israelis.

The terrorists signed a document on their release in which they stated they would not return to terrorism. However, 15 percent of them have, and many have been rearrested and incarcerated.

Btsalmo, an Israeli human rights organization, petitioned the IDF for data on the released terrorists, and the IDF has confirmed that 100 have been rearrested for security and terrorism offenses, were resentenced and sent back to prison.

The IDF collected evidence against another 56 terrorists who were brought before a special committee which rescinded the agreement with them and sent them back to prison. Another two terrorists are still on trial.

Some who have not been rearrested are active in generating terrorists against Israelis.

Eyal Yifrach, Gilad Shaer and Naftali Frenkel, were kidnapped and murdered by Hamas terrorists in the summer of 2014. The terrorist behind the abduction is Muhammad Kawasmeh, who was released in the Shalit Deal and planned the attack from Gaza.

Baruch Mizrahi, Danny Gonen, Miki Mark, Malachi Rosenfeld, and more recently, IDF soldiers Yovel Mor-Yosef and Yossi Cohen and the baby Amiad Yisrael Ish-Ran were killed by terrorists who were bankrolled by a terrorist released in the Shalit Deal who operates out of Jordan.

Michael Litvak, Btsalmo’s legal authority, stated that it has again been proven that released terrorists return to terrorism, and called on the new government to enact the death penalty for terrorists.

“The release of terrorists generates an endless cycle of bloodshed,” he said.

He underscored that a terrorist attack is a severe infringement of human rights, and therefore the release of terrorists is support of human rights abuse.

“The State of Israel is obligated to provide security to its citizens and protect their human rights, including the basic right to life,” he added.

He vowed to continue operating against the release of terrorists and for more stringent punishments against terrorists and their families.

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