Outrage as Bennett orders postponement in demolition of terrorist’s home until after Biden’s visit

June 16, 2022 by Aryeh Savir - TPS
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The IDF has postponed the demolition of a terrorist’s home by several weeks until after President Joe Biden visits Israel in mid-July so as not to antagonize him or stir up security tensions in the Jenin area.

PM Naftali Bennett  (Haim Zach/GPO)

IDF Radio reported Wednesday that it was Prime Minister Bennett who made the decision to postpone the demolition of the home of Raed Hazzem in the Jenin area until after Biden’s visit to Israel.

Hazzem murdered three Israelis in Tel Aviv in March. He was shot dead by Israeli forces shortly after the attack.

The operation to demolish his home was supposed to occur early Wednesday morning, and the forces were ready, but hours before the forces entered Jenin, Bennett ordered the forces to stand down.

Responding to the apparent outrage, Member of Knesset Amichai Chikli stated that “a prime minister who is unable to explain to the US president why it is right and important to fight terrorism also through the demolition of terrorists’ homes is in the wrong position.”

The demolitions of terrorists’ homes are meant to serve as deterrence for potential terrorists plotting future attacks. Bennett has previously lauded the conduct as effective in deterring planned attacks.

Matan Peleg, Chairman of the Im Tirzu Zionist movement, warned that “Bennett’s policy invites more attacks. Every terrorist understands that Biden’s visit can be exploited to riot and there will be no price to pay. Unparalleled shame. Anyone who subordinates Israel’s security to foreign considerations must go home.”

MK Bezalel Smotrich said that “Bennett is arranging a dangerous PR visit for Biden and is selling Israel’s security and sovereignty in a united Jerusalem for a photo for his election campaign. Bennett is dangerous for Israel.”

He was relating to reports that Biden will visit an Arab institution in eastern Jerusalem, without Israeli escort, in an apparent challenge to Israel’s claim to its capital.

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