Opportunity for Community Involvement

July 8, 2010 by Community Editor
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In 2011, the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies is offering an inaugural voluntary Internship to a university-aged member of the Jewish community who has an interest in politics, policy development, media or public affairs.

“This is a great opportunity for a highly motivated university student or recent graduate to gain experience in the Jewish community’s pre-eminent public affairs organisation” says Board Vice President and Public Affairs Committee Chair Yair Miller. “Internships have the power to accelerate the participant’s career and provide them with valuable real-life experience and contacts they can use in the future.

“As the roof body of the Jewish community in NSW, we think it is important to provide young adults with the opportunity to contribute to our important work and also meaningful, on-the-job experience in a professional not-for-profit office.”

The work will involve research and analysis pertaining to Jewish issues and Israel and may also include drafting articles, speeches and reports. The successful candidate will work closely with the Board’s professional staff and relevant committees and have the opportunity to attend exclusive events and briefings.

“We are privileged to have so many young adults in our community with an interest in the work we do – which involves representing the community to government and media and connecting with individuals and organisations across the NGO, union, interfaith, social justice and academic sectors” said Miller.

The Board of Deputies is also keen to receive applications from individuals who have thought about a career working for the community.

“Ultimately, we hope the successful candidate will become a great ambassador for our community, wherever their career takes them”, said Miller.

Calls for applications will be advertised through the Jewish press in September 2010.

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