On the buses – the Yeshiva’s 3 Legends

January 24, 2010 by Community Editor
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In a unique advertising move, a concert being produced to raise funds for the Sydney Yeshiva Centre is being advertised on the back of Eastern Suburbs buses.

On the Buses Pic: Henry Benjamin

Yehuda Glantz

The concert will feature Argentian-born Israeli Yehuda Glantz, Brooklyn-based Chassidic singer Avraham Fried and Australian country singer Lee Kernaghan,

Glantz has composed music for Israeli Symphony Orchestra and plays a multitude of differenct instruments including guitar, accordian and piano and is himself an accomplished singer.

Well-known in Israel, Glantz has developed music form Latin Klezmer and focuses his musical abilities on promoting faith, peace and happiness to people from vastly different cultural backgrounds. His huge following enjoy his style of a fusion of contemporary folklore. His performances have been described as being “electrifying and colorful”.

Avraham Fried has been singing Chassidic melodies for 30 years and has released 26 recording of his music in thatt time. A true performer of world music, Fried has performed in every major city in the world.

…and where does an Aussie Country and Western singer fit in to all of this?

Avraham Fried

Lee Kernaghan

The Yeshiva’s Rabbi Eli Feldman told J-Wire: “It seemed somehow obvious to introduce an Australian theme into the concert. After all, this country has been wonderful to our community and we somehow wanted to embrace that. Lee is the quintessential Australian and was, in fact, Australian of the Year in 2008. We are proud to have him participate.”

Kerneghan is expected to sing one or two songs in Hebrew during his performance.

The concert will be staged at the Bayside Auditorium at the Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre at Darling Harbour on Thursday, Feb-18.

…and the buses? “It’s a novel way of getting the message read throughout the Eastern Suburbs on a daily basis”, said Rabbi Feldman.

The concert has had huge support and many political and business leaders have already confirmed their attendance. The funds are earmarked for the Yeshiva’s community projects.

For more information and for bookings, click on the banner ad on this page….

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