NZ technology mission to Israel

May 26, 2016 by J-Wire Staff
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An Innovation Mission to Israel is expected to provide significant benefits for the New Zealand technology and innovation sector.

The mission has been organised by the Trans – Tasman Business Circle, and will be led by Simon Moutter, Managing Director of Spark New Zealand and will include business and academic leaders including the Chief Science Adviser to the New Zealand Government, Sir Peter Gluckman.

Simon Moutter

Simon Moutter

Spark New Zealand is involved because it is passionate about helping unleash the potential in all New Zealanders.

“Like Israel, New Zealand is a small country, isolated geographically from global markets and with a strong tradition and history of innovation. We are both agile and open economies along with a smart labour workforce, so there is much to learn from each other,” said Simon Moutter.

At a time of increased global interest in centres of innovation such as Silicon Valley, Israel, Berlin among others, the mission will engage with and learn from Israel’s highly successful innovation ecosystem which has earned the country an enviable reputation as the “Start-up Nation”

Israel produces more start-up companies on a per capita basis than Japan, China, India, Korea, Canada, and all of Europe, and, after the United States, Israel has more companies listed on the NASDAQ than any other country in the world.

Mr Moutter said, “The mission is an excellent opportunity for New Zealand business and innovation leaders to collaborate and share ideas and learnings with highly innovative people and organisations, as well as showcase New Zealand’s own digital talent and innovation and potentially attract investment into our rapidly growing technology sector.”

The mission will be organised by the Trans – Tasman Business Circle under its Innovation Circle – launched to coincide with the Australian Government’s Innovation Statement and the longstanding New Zealand Government commitment to fostering innovation and international engagement.

Trans-Tasman Business Circle’s John Weiss told J-Wire: “We have over 50 on the mission…certainly a record for New Zealand.

The Mission will explore areas in which New Zealand and Israel can collaborate and learn from each other. Both countries have a history of innovation and, as small economies distant from major markets, share much in common. The Mission will bring together leaders in business, entrepreneurs , venture capital and innovation. It will be based on a group programme with opportunities for individual meetings.”

It will run between 29 May and 1 June 2016

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