NSW Young Liberals recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital

December 25, 2017 by J-Wire Newsdesk
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The NSW Young Liberal Council has recognised Jerusalem as the capital city of the State of Israel.

At the NSW Young Liberal Council held earlier this month, the NSW Young Liberal Council overwhelmingly passed the following urgency motion:
That the NSW Young Liberals:
1) Supports and believes in the principle of state sovereignty
2) Acknowledges that every country has the right to determine its own capital city
3) Recognizes Jerusalem as the capital city of the State of Israel
4) Supports any diplomatic moves that reaffirm this.
In a statement the Young Liberals said: “Whilst some of our members were of the view that an affirmation of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital would be imprudent in light of a volatile situation in the Middle East, most of our members affirmed the desirability of this course of action.
As a Movement, we unanimously strongly support Israel’s right to exist as a nation.  Israel is a beacon of liberal democratic values and stability in a region that has been plagued with instability, violence and tyranny. It is a nation that has allowed people of all faiths to flourish and have a say in its democratic processes. We also recognise that Israel’s existence is the source of hope and safety for millions of Jews around the world; a focal point that assures them that the horrors of the past will never happen again.
We repudiate the attempts of others to seek to completely deny the undeniable historical connection the Jewish people have to the land. We also repudiate the attempts of others to deny what has been the reality for sometime: that Israel’s Knesset and Government are already situated in Jerusalem.
Jerusalem is indeed a city of many faiths and holds special meaning for people of Christian, Jewish and Muslim faith. We believe that this special city can best be safeguarded by a strong and secure Israeli state.
As such, we also respectfully disagree with the decision that Australia took to abstain from the vote at the UN. This would have been an opportunity to show moral courage and demonstrate our commitment to our strong allies Israel and the United States, as well as an opportunity to take a stand for liberal democratic values. “
The CEO of The New South Wales Jewish Board of Deputies Vic Alhadeff told J-Wire: “We thank the NSW Young Liberals for their continued and ongoing steadfast support of Israel.”


2 Responses to “NSW Young Liberals recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital”
  1. Lorraine Harvey says:

    To NSW Young Liberals,
    Good on you for having a voice. May I please join my voice with yours. I am however chronologically older than young at 66 years, but still young at heart. I have just returned from a fabulous trip to Israel where I celebrated the (secret sort of) celebrations at Davids Citadel at Jaffa Gate, for the 100 yr liberation of Jerusalem from the Turkish Ottoman Empire, where I enacted the taking of the surrender white flag from the Turkish Ottoman Empire!! Australia must do this now!! Don’t be afraid to present a petition to our government. Many Christian Zionists love Israel and want this to happen sooner than later. Australia needs to be a sheep nation not a goat nation. I am disgusted with them. I am a decendent of the First Fleet (Royal Marines) so I am not happy with this current direction of our government. What can I do to help? Can I send this to my Christian Networks? We want to be the head not the tail in this very important matter!!

  2. michael Burd says:

    It’s good too see the ZFA, AJA and Young Liberals all condemn Australia’s failure to support their two close allies USA & Israel if our allies can not rely on us who can they rely on ?

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