NSW Opposition in talks with faith leaders

April 12, 2022 by J-Wire Newsdesk
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NSW Jewish Board of Deputies CEO Darren Bark, together with leaders from the Christian, Islamic, Buddhist, and Hindu communities, met NSW Labor Leader Chris Minns and key members of his leadership team to discuss a number of issues and priorities for their respective communities.

Chris Minns [5th right], Darren Bark [3rd right]

Among the issues raised at the meeting last week were religious discrimination, flood recovery efforts, chaplaincy, zoning for places of worship, COVID-19 pandemic response, as well as outlining the collaborative work between the Jewish and Hindu communities to ban the public display of Nazi symbols.

Also discussed was the opportunity for initiatives to address the safety and wellbeing of local communities, as well as enhanced representation within state government of faith communities.

Bark said it was “pleasing to see so many faith leaders come together for the common benefit of their communities and NSW”.

“When communities work together, we can achieve great outcomes, and we had a productive dialogue on so many vital issues,” Bark commented.

“We are grateful to Chris Minns  and the NSW Labor Party for listening to our collective concerns and ensuring community voices are heard and represented.”

Christian SRE CEO Murray Norman added, “It was good for us to be able to demonstrate how we are able to work together on things that will benefit people of faith. We look forward to continuing our collaborative work across NSW communities.”

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