Nothing Left has nothing left

January 22, 2019 by  
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Michael Burd has been a highly visible advocate for Israel and conservative values for many years and is one half of the Nothing Left program on Melbourne’s J-Air which is now in recess after 5yrs of community radio. What makes him tick? Why was the plug pulled?

Michael Burd writes:

Isi Leibler with Michael Burd

“I was invited to present a Jewish and Australian perspective at an international symposium on Islam held in Melbourne, co-hosted by a pro-Israel right-leaning organization. The speakers included fiercely pro-Israel activist Pamela Geller, Islam expert Robert Spencer, other international speakers such as Jerusalem based expert on Islam and Arab affairs Dr Mordechai Kedar, former Muslim Human rights activist Nonie Darwish and other experts in these fields.

Following that, I appeared on the Shtick with Henry Greener, and shortly afterwards I was asked to do an Israel advocacy program by Robert Bontschek who had just started J Air radio.

I wanted a cohost and fellow letter writer Alan Freedman immediately came to mind. Five years later and with more than 200 programs, over 400 individual local and international guests, we have never had a disagreement on any issue – if only marriages and business partnerships were that amicable.

We quickly moved from just talking about Israel and Jewish issues to interviewing guests, including every major American Jewish communal leader, Israeli ambassadors to the US, Australia, India, most major local and international journalist on the Middle East and politicians from all sides of the political spectrum.

However, we hit obstacles with the predominately progressive left-wing Jewish communal organisations and were quickly shunned by AIJAC for not strictly adhering to the two-state solution, multiculturalism, diversity and inclusion.

Nothing Left invited all visiting Israeli politicians on our radio program, regardless of what side of politics they were from. However, inviting visiting politician Moshe Feiglin did not go down well with the AIJAC head honchos who had recently issued a media statement vilifying him.

We made a point of inviting Colin Rubenstein along with all AIJAC staff members on our program on a regular basis, particularly in support of their Rambam program, however, this meant nothing and I was told that neither my presence nor my financial support was now welcome at AIJAC

Michael Burd, Arnold Roth and Alan Freedman

It only got worse when we invited visiting Israeli academics and world experts on Arab affairs and Islam, Dr Mordechai Kedar and Prof Raphael Israeli. It seems that AIJAC were afraid this would upset the multiculturalism bandwagon.

I have subsequently been told by high profile visiting Israelis speakers that they have been warned not to appear on Nothing Left – most ignored that hint, but so much for diversity and inclusion.

The knives really came flying when we invited Australian politician and staunch supporter of Israel and the Jewish community, Pauline Hanson, on to the program in order to speak directly with her about her views on Israel and the Jewish community.

Whilst we have interviewed nearly every major Australian Jewish communal leader, only one person has repeatedly refused to come on. Perhaps the ADC’s Dvir Abramovich is afraid of addressing issues such as moving the ADC to the far left, his obsession with failed multiculturalism, and like the JCCV and ECAJ, his desperation to divert attention

Alan Freedman and Michael Burd man the mikes

away from the real  physical danger to our Jewish community, ie elements within the Muslim community, rather than the fringe far right as they would have us believe.

The hypocrisy of the Jewish communal organizations beggars belief. AUJS invited the hard left anti-Zionist leader of the Greens to address students and gave him an extra warm welcome – when we asked the AUJS leadership why they had not invited Israel and Jewish community supporter Pauline Hanson for balance, we were told they could not guarantee the safety of their students.

Isi Leibler is a former Australian communal leader and has been our weekly go-to person in Jerusalem for the last 5 years. Without a doubt, he is a leader with unmatched moral clarity and courage.

Alan and I have offered the community alternative views that the established Jewish communal leadership would never have provided.

I now have more in common with our Christian Zionist friends than the progressive left communal leadership – it is now time to take a break and lower my golf handicap.”

J-Air continues to broadcast.


8 Responses to “Nothing Left has nothing left”
  1. Stan Duzenman says:
    It is with much sadness that I read that Nothing Left will be no more.
    You have been a voice to those who thought they were an island.
    My parents were victims of both national socialists and communism so I understand socialism/left’s end game.
    I for one will miss you.

    Stan Duzenman

  2. Maurice Klein says:

    NOTHING LEFT, simply the best !!

  3. Michael Burd says:

    To avoid any confusion regarding this article, Nothing Left was NOT removed from J-AIR programming , far from it J Air management are very disappointed – Michael and I decided we both needed a break and will consider returning with live shows in the future. In the meantime, we are replaying some of our favorite interviews in the Nothing Left Files at 4.00pm Tuesdays.
    Thank you to all our listeners for your support …Alan & Michael

  4. Paul Winter says:

    Hey, Michael, don’t throw in the towel. You and Alan are doing a great job. You and Alan are giving voice to what most Jews I speak to think. Our multi-culti worshipers would have us ignore reality and fall in line with their superb dignified diplomacy which has lead us into problems that could have been avoided.

    Tragically and most frustratingly Jewish leaders in Australia and in Israel still retain their ghetto mentality, despite Hitler destroying the Jews freed from ghettos by Napoleon. In the USA, the community has retreated from Zionism to the Bundist stance that failed Jews when the Nazis ruled.

    We need courageous, independent thinkers like you and Alan to maintain community morale.

  5. Dr Bill Anderson says:

    Dear Michael and Alan,

    I loved your radio programme and felt honoured to appear on it. I also loved to read your letters in the press! Israel needs and deserves all the support it can get and those of us who love and support Israel and the Zionist dream should and must shout our support from the rooftops.

    I know that both of you will continue to support Israel at every opportunity and that I and many others will be inspired and informed by your writing.

    I thank you for all your efforts!

    Yours, Bill

  6. Michael Burd says:

    ******To our loyal listeners some who have contacted me about this article
    Nothing Left has NOT been taken off air , both Alan and I need a rest, in fact J Air management is VERY disappointed about this .

    We will be playing the best of some of our more than 400 interviews each week at 4Pm Tuesdays on J Air .

  7. Bill Rubinstein says:

    This is clearly outrageous. What are the reasons for their removal? This isn’t clear. Some reasons must have been given.

  8. David Adler says:

    Times and methods change.

    Really looking forward to both Michael Burd and Alan Freedman using their talents within Australian Jewish Association (AJA).

    Look for Alan’s video editorials on the AJA Facebook page and YouTube channel, and Michael’s always pointed and non PC commentaries.

    From strength to strength.

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