Har Nof: Australian ambassador donates blood

November 20, 2014 by Michael Kuttner
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Australia’s ambassador to Israel Dave Sharma has donated blood to the hospital treating the victims of the Har Nof massacre…and has visited the wounded.

Michael Kuttner reports from Jerusalem:

Ambassador Dave Sharma donates blood

Ambassador Dave Sharma donates blood

Following the horrendous terrorist attack at a Synagogue during morning prayers in Har Nof, Jerusalem, some diplomats stationed in Israel expressed their countries’ condemnation. None of them however acted as quickly or as decisively as Dave Sharma, the Australian Ambassador.

Wasting no time after the murders, he issued a strong statement deploring the terror outrage and then decided that something more than mere expressions of regret were called for on this occasion. The Ambassador swiftly arranged to make the one hour trip from Tel Aviv to Israel’s Capital and visit the wounded at Hadassah University, Ein Karem Campus in order to not only show solidarity with the wounded but to also express Australia’s outrage at this latest manifestation of irrational hatred against Israelis.

Given the serious condition of the wounded he was only able to visit with one of them and briefly talk with the family. I caught up with him in another part of the hospital where Dave was demonstrating true Australian grit and solidarity. He was at the blood bank of the hospital, not only helping to provide badly needed blood but showing in practical ways that diplomacy can be more than just empty gestures.

Having received first class emergency treatment at Hadassah himself on a previous occasion when he had fallen off a bike in Jerusalem, he felt that this was a good way to thank those who had helped him. More importantly, however, it gave him the opportunity to do something positive and practical in the face of fanatical evil.

Chatting with him as the grateful nurses plied him with tea and biscuits it was obvious that he felt deeply about the citizens of Israel and his empathy for the country during its current difficult times was very evident.

Ambassador Sharma told J-Wire: ” I felt it my duty to demonstrate solidarity with the victims of this horrendous attack by coming to Hadassah and not only comforting the wounded but also donating blood.

 I never expected when taking up my position to confront a situation like this but despite everything I and my family love this country and its people. My daughters can already speak some Hebrew sentences and enjoy Jewish Festivals and Israeli food. We are very much at home here.”

Groups of charedi young men, waiting to donate blood, came up to us and upon hearing that the Australian Ambassador had done the same, showered him with blessings and encouragement.

Diplomats often engage in double talk but this representative demonstrates true dinkum Aussie grit and friendship.

Following his donation, Ambassador Sharma visited the area around the Kehillat Bnei Torah Synagogue…scene of the massacre.


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