Newsflash: Ceasefire

July 15, 2014 by J-Wire
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The Israeli Security Cabinet, this morning (Tuesday, 15 July 2014), decided to accept the Egyptian proposal for a ceasefire starting at 09:00 today.

Hamas’s position remains unclear. An Israeli spokesman told J-Wire: “We don’t have ANY information on their position.”


One Response to “Newsflash: Ceasefire”
  1. Lynne Newington says:

    History hasn’t changed as in the day’s of Moshe Dyan so it seems, as soon as Israel agreed to a ceasefire the Arab splinter groups withdrew… fact there are so many familiar facets to be found, two in particuar; the determination to protect the nation and those who dwell in the land in good faith and in peace.
    Quoted in part as Minister of Defence to boys who had lost their fathers during the Six Day War and public joint Bar Mitzvah.
    “You are blessed because you have a country, a nation and an army devoted to your welfare and safety.
    May the day not be too far distant when all of you will be able to look forward to becoming the men your fathers were, in peace, security, in the glory of the State of Israel among the nations of the earth”.
    Who could argue with that?

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