New Zealanders told to quit Gaza

July 9, 2014 by J-Wire Staff
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Foreign Affairs Minister Murray McCully says New Zealand is greatly concerned at the recent escalation of violence in Gaza and Israel, and in particular the deaths of civilians.

Murray McCully

Murray McCully

“New Zealand urges both sides to show restraint and to prevent any further civilian casualties,” Mr McCully says.

We call for an immediate end to rocket attacks into Israel and for proportionate responses that do not further escalate the situation.

“These latest incidents stem from the murders of four young people in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. It is critical that those responsible for these deplorable crimes are held to account.

“The current situation reinforces the urgent need for a sustainable resolution to the conflict between Israel and Palestine.

“New Zealand wants to see progress in the peace process between Israel and Palestine and we urge each country’s political leadership to find a peaceful way through the current flare up of violence,” Mr McCully says.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade continues to advise against all travel to Gaza, and New Zealanders currently in Gaza are advised to depart as soon as it is safe to do so.


One Response to “New Zealanders told to quit Gaza”
  1. David says:

    Is this kiwi insane or just insulting us ?
    “Proportionate responses” let’s say one well aimed 500 kg bomb per rocket fired is proportionate, nothing less.

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