The New South Wales Jewish Board of Deputies says Yosef Feldman “unfit”

February 10, 2015 by J-Wire Staff
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The New South Wales Jewish Board of Deputies has said that Rabbi Yosef Feldman is unfit to hold any position of authority within the community.

Jeremy Spinak

Jeremy Spinak

NSW Jewish Board of Deputies president Jeremy Spinak commented: “The evidence which has emerged in the last two weeks has been absolutely disgraceful.  It reflects appalling failures in dealing with incidents of child abuse and protecting children in care.

“While these awful events occurred in a small section of our community it is now up to all of us to ensure that the abhorrent practices, attitudes and failures that have come to light never again happenIt is our view that after his appalling comments to the Royal Commission Rabbi Yosef Feldman is unfit to hold any position of authority or leadership in the Jewish community.”


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