New measures to combat terrorism announced in Israel

October 14, 2015 by J-Wire News Service
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Israel’s cabinet has approved new measures to deal with the current wave of terrorism.

The cabinet has approved the following:

* The Israel Police is authorized to impose a closure on, or to surround, centers of friction and incitement in Jerusalem, in accordance with security considerations.

* In addition to the demolition of terrorists’ homes, no new construction will be permitted at the site where a terrorist’s home has been demolished.

* The property of terrorists who perpetrate attacks will be confiscated.

* The permanent residency rights of terrorists will be revoked.

* The operational force of the Israel Police will be enlarged and expanded.

* 300 additional security guards will be recruited for public transportation in Jerusalem at a cost of NIS 80 million.

* IDF units will reinforce the Israel Police in cities and along roads.

* The IDF will be instructed to deploy units in sensitive areas along the security fence in the immediate term. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu directed that staff work be done on completing the security fence including in the southern Hebron Hills area.

Ronald S. Lauder

Ronald S. Lauder

The World Jewish Congress has called on President Abbas to step in to help end the current crisis.

Following dozens of stabbing and shooting attacks against Israelis, World Jewish Congress President Ronald S. Lauder called on Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to “show statesmanship before it’s too late” and urged Abbas to help end the incitement to terror and the appalling wave of violence we have witnessed in recent days.” Lauder said the bloodshed “not only does an enormous disservice to the Palestinian aspirations, but also will kill what is left of the peace process if it isn’t stopped.”

He urged Abbas to immediately resume talks with Israel and to seek a bilateral, negotiated solution to the conflict: “You either condone what is happening on your watch, or you condemn it. For the good of the Palestinian and the Israeli people, I implore you to denounce any and all acts of terrorism.”

Lauder said: “The incitement to commit acts of terror lies at the heart of this latest outburst of violence. President Abbas is the only Palestinian leader who can stop this, and the only mechanism to achieve this is for the Palestinians to work together with Israel to end the conflict.”

Julie Bishop

Julie Bishop

Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop who is currently in Boston  said: “I also join with Secretary Kerry in condemning the violence that we have seen of late in Israel against innocent citizens, and we do call for all sides to this conflict to engage in peaceful activities to restore calm. And Australia is committed to a two-state solution where the Israeli people and the people of the Palestinian territories can live side by side behind internationally recognized and defined borders.”

Peter Wertheim, executive director of The Executive Council of Australian Jewry told J-Wire: “Since the beginning of October when an Israeli couple was murdered in front of their children, Palestinian shootings, stabbings and Molotov cocktail and rock throwing attacks have intensified, not only in the West Bank but also in central and northern Israel.   Sections of the media and some human rights organisations have disgraced themselves by misrepresenting and criticising Israel’s policies and actions in response to the murderous assault on its citizens, whilst saying little if anything to condemn the assaults themselves.”

The Jewish Community Council of Victoria (JCCV) has condemned the increasing number of acts of terror which have been perpetrated in Israel and the West Bank over the past two weeks.

The JCCV issued a statement declaring: “These attacks are horrifying and despicable acts of violence aimed at Israelis of all ages simply going about their daily life.  Israelis, like anyone else, are entitled to go about their lives without fear of murder and violence.

The Victorian Jewish community expresses its solidarity and support for Israel, and our friends and families in Israel during these difficult times.”

B’nai Brith International and  Australia’s B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation Commission (ADC) have  B’nai B’rith have decried the serial terror attacks currently plaguing Israel as more Jewish Israelis lose their lives and suffer injuries  following another violent day of gun and knife attacks across the country. Three Israelis were killed in two different attacks in eastern and central Jerusalem. In eastern Jerusalem two Palestinian men attempted to overtake a bus, shooting and stabbing passengers, ultimately killing two people and injuring 10. One attacker was killed and the other wounded. In central Jerusalem, a man drove a car into a bus stop, killing one person and then leaving the vehicle to stab others. He was shot and wounded by an Israeli security guard. Elsewhere in Jerusalem, a 13-year-old boy was stabbed a dozen times, a policeman was stabbed and a soldier was attacked on a bus. In Raanana, four people were stabbed in two separate attacks.

ADC Chairman Dr Dvir Abramovich and Dan Mariaschin, Executive Vice President of B’nai B’rith International issued the following statement:

“The lack of outcry against this wave of terror is disturbing, although unfortunately not surprising. If a rash of terror broke out in any other democratic nation, most of the international community would be appalled.

These attacks are all the more alarming considering the silence from Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and the vocal support from Hamas for the attacks to continue. Only two weeks ago Abbas spoke in front of the U.N. General Assembly, whitewashing the attacks on Jews at the Temple Mount and claiming that Palestinians are “working to spread the culture of peace.” The lack of condemnation demonstrates Abbas’ statements were farcical and intended for an international community that continues to keep its head in the sand. Given his abject failure of to speak out and condemn this wave of violence, we question his interest or sincerity in ultimately achieving peace with Israel.”


One Response to “New measures to combat terrorism announced in Israel”
  1. Eleonora Mostert says:

    Yes, yes, lets all condemn and do nothing. Lets put the pens down because no one is reading your words…it’s time to stand up against them… and fight back.

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