New head of primary for Emanuel

August 4, 2014 by Michelle Favero
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Emanuel School’s new Head of Primary, Natanya Milner, is no stranger to the School or its students.

Natanya Milner reads to Year 1 students, Sam Salamon and Zara Bracks

Natanya Milner reads to Year 1 students, Sam Salamon and Zara Bracks

Her introduction to Emanuel was in 2008 when she was appointed Director of Studies K-6 and subsequently, after four years in that position, was promoted to the role of Deputy Head of Primary. Two years on she now leads a staff of over 30 and oversees 330 students in the Primary School.

When Mrs Milner first arrived at Emanuel it was a smaller but no less vibrant school. The past seven years have seen the development of a strong academic platform with the introduction and development of Teaching for Understanding and Cultures of Thinking. The School’s work on these two Harvard University programs, which ensure depth of understanding and thinking, as well as the ability to use skills in a range of contexts, are our key areas of focus. They are evident across the subject areas and have been embraced by classroom teachers as well as Hebrew and Jewish Studies teachers.

The School’s previous, traditional “Welfare and Discipline policies” have evolved into a strong and exciting “Wellbeing Package” under Mrs Milner’s guidance. In the Primary School, the Wellbeing Package incorporates Covey’s ‘The Leader in Me’ program and focuses on the children becoming proactive and independent as well as developing collaborative and teamwork skills for interdependent, positive relationships.

As well as the academic and wellbeing program developments, there have been various changes in IT, Sport, Music and Drama. The iPad and laptop programs have evolved to meet the changing needs of the students and creative arts programs continue to grow and showcase the students’ strengths and talents.

Mrs Milner believes that Emanuel is on an exciting path: “The School has a strong values base at its core and this is why I believe it has such a passionate community of children, families and staff. I will continue to strive to create a well-balanced school that prepares students for an ever-changing future.

“Our well-rounded education will continue to focus upon educational excellence, depth of thinking, creativity and adaptability. We will continue to balance the academic areas, our Judaism, our creative and practical arts and our wellbeing foci to provide our students with the strongest possible foundations. I look forward to enhancing our cyber-safety programs, continuing our recent parent education package as an annual offering and reviewing our student leadership opportunities.

“We hope to continue to develop strong relationships within the School, with our friends at other Jewish and local schools and with our Aboriginal and international friends. We have a strong service mindset and recognise that it is our responsibility to give back to the world and be involved in tikkun olam.”

Our new Head of Primary is proud of the highly qualified and passionate educators whom she leads: “Our staff are always looking to improve and increase the opportunities that we provide to our students. The teachers are so committed and approach all that they do with a sense of dedication and excellence. Our students soak up all these opportunities and continually impress us with the way they embrace opportunities and rise to challenges. I am so proud that the School has a culture of learning with and from each other.”

Anne Hastings, Principal of Emanuel School, commented: “Mrs Milner is a highly valued member of the School’s leadership team. She has an exceptional rapport with the students, parents and fellow staff. Her creativity and unique perspective ensures that the Primary School staff are constantly enhancing the ways in which they approach education and student wellbeing, which is of special interest for her.  I look forward to seeing the Primary School continue to thrive under Mrs Milner’s guidance and strong leadership.”

Find out first-hand why Emanuel is such a unique School and meet Anne Hastings and Natanya Milner at ‘Lunch with the Principal’ on 12 August at 1.10pm at Emanuel School, 20 Stanley Street, Randwick. We’d be especially pleased to welcome parents interested in Years K-3 2015 for their children.

Bookings are essential For more information, call the Registrar on 8383 7333 or email

Besides her undergraduate degree in Education (majoring in Hebrew), Mrs Milner has also completed the Department of Education’s School Leadership Preparation Program training, a Certificate of Gifted Education, Harvard’s Teaching for Understanding I and II and Leading for Understanding.

She loves to spend time with her family and friends and has two young children who keep her busy and fulfilled. She likes to cook and read and has developed a passion for travelling around Australia.

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