New face at UIA NSW

November 12, 2010 Agencies
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The United Israel Appeal of NSW is delighted to welcome Basil Reichman to the new position of Director of Planned Giving.

Basil Reichman

Planned giving through UIA is a forward-looking way of laying the foundations for Israel’s future. Reichman’s role includes organizing endowments and annuities as well as developing and maintaining personal relationships with current UIA donors and potential donors.  He will liaise closely with the Planned Giving department of Keren Hayesod Jerusalem.

After a week in his new role, Reichman flew to Israel to attend a worldwide Keren Hayesod Planned Giving Conference.

Keren Hayesod, in partnership with the global Jewish community, works to further the national priorities of the State of Israel in response to the major strategic challenges facing the country and its Jewish population today. Reichman said “The conference gave me a more complete picture and provided an opportunity first hand to witness where KH are directing their energies, so we can place our own activities in perspective and direct efforts appropriately.”

While annual donations go a long way towards meeting immediate needs, Israel also requires long-term vision and planning of resources for the future. With the influx of over a million new immigrants from countries of distress over the past decade and new security challenges, ensuring resources for future and long-term needs has become critical for Israel’s future wellbeing. Planned giving is about estate preparation and arrangements for the distribution of assets in order to make a significant gift of lasting value to Israel and the Jewish people.  Reichman comes from a strategic planning background and hopes to add this dimension to the position by coordinating and implementing new strategies.

Reichman will be working closely with Sam Steif, who has been with the UIA for over 20 years as Wills and Bequests Director.

UIA Executive Director/Shaliach Fentahun Assefa-Dawit said “For over 90 years KH-UIA has helped lay the foundations for the creation of the State and has strengthened Israel ever since. From my own personal experience I know KH-UIA’s vital contribution to new immigrants in Israel. We believe with Basil’s background and Sam’s experience together they can achieve the goals of the UIA.”

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