New face at the Jewish Community Council of Victoria

July 19, 2010 by Geoffrey Zygier
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The Jewish Community Council of Victoria has announced the employment of Jo Silver as its new Project Manager. 

President John Searle said: “Jo will be working part-time on projects that will assist in the delivery of JCCV’s strategic and business plans to drive the JCCV forward as The Voice of Victorian Jewry.  She will spearhead projects in a range of areas including public relations, communications, community leadership and social justice.”

Jo Silver

Jo Silver comes with a vast range of management and project management experience having worked as Executive Officer and General Manager for not-for- profit organisations.  She has extensive experience working at Ministerial and Government level, building relationships between organisations and developing member services.  Searle concluded, “With two children at Jewish Day schools, living abroad for six years in Singapore and London and being Project Coordinator for Jewish Aid, Jo will offer a refreshing, yet grounded perspective. “

The Jewish Community Council of Victoria is the roof body of Victorian Jewry, Australia’s largest Jewish community. With almost sixty communal organisations as its affiliates, the JCCV represents the mosaic of religious, political, cultural, welfare, educational and social associations operating in Victoria.

The Victorian and Federal Governments, their agencies, the media and ethnic and religious groups have long recognised the JCCV as the representative body of the Victorian Jewish Community, speaking on its behalf on all matters affecting its status, welfare and interests. As such the JCCV provides leadership and a voice for Victorian Jewry‘s 60,000 members to the wider Victorian Community.

“We are very excited about having Jo Silver on board to assist with the growing workload of the JCCV and welcome her to the community,” said Mr Searle.

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