New Australian-Israeli initiative for Perth

August 1, 2010 by Steve Lieblich
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Next Sunday, the “Friends Of Israel Western Australia Inc” (FOIWA) will be launched by a group of prominent West Australians, State and Federal Politicians, and other West Australians from all walks of life, who see the State of Israel as a “friend in need”.

Bob Kucera

The inaugural Chairperson of the FOIWA, the Hon. Bob Kucera said that the group reflects growing world-wide concern that there is a need to support nations who believe in and demonstrate basic democratic values and freedoms.  He added:

“Without any specific political or religious bias, FOIWA seeks to ensure that Western Australians recognise that Israel is a democratic, freedom-loving nation and a friend who needs us to:

SUPPORT Israel as the mandated and recognised state of the Jewish people

DEFEND Israel’s right to live in peace and security; and

ENSURE accurate and fair reporting on the Middle East

There is global concern that these three fundamental issues are being ignored, while international terrorism continues to escalate, and Israel is on the front line of attack.

The formation of the WA Friends of Israel mirrors other similar organisations that have sprung up world-wide to give the often ‘silent majority’ an opportunity to make a tangible contribution toward defending democracy and freedom, securing peace in the Middle East, and especially to support  Israel at a crucial time in its troubled history.”

The Launch will be held at the Victory Life Centre, 1 Neil Street, Osborne Park, commencing at 3.45pm. Pastor Margaret Court AO MBE has donated the use of the Centre in support. A broad bi-partisan contingent of Federal, State and Local Government representatives have already indicated their attendance. Several leading parliamentarians and the Israel Ambassador to Australia, Yuval Rotem, or his Deputy, Eli Yerushalmi will address the launch.

Admission is free and anyone who wants to support democratic values and freedom is invited to attend and join this global groundswell. Details of the Launch and the organisation can be found at or directly on

Those scheduled to speak include:

Chairman The Hon. Bob Kucera, former WA Minister

Senator Glenn Sterle, Senator for Western Australia

Hon Julie Bishop, Federal Member for Curtin; Deputy Leader of the Opposition; Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs

Ambassador Yuval Rotem or Deputy Chief of Mission Eli Yerushalmi, Israel Embassy to Australia

Mr Michael Sutherland MLA BA, LLB, DipEd, Deputy Speaker of the State Legislative Assembly

Hon. Kate Doust MLC, Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the State Legislative Council; Shadow Minister for Energy; Science and Innovation

Hon Rev Dr Margaret Court AO, MBE,Phd LLD


One Response to “New Australian-Israeli initiative for Perth”
  1. Lynne Newington says:

    A few friends “in high places” never goes amiss, that will make sure accurate and fair reporting on the Middle East and anywhere else for that matter.
    Sounds good.

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