New Australian ambassador to Israel

February 4, 2010 Agencies
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Foreign Minister Stephen Smith has announced the appointment of Andrea Faulkner as Australia’s new ambassador to Israel.In a Government announcement, Minister Smith said:

“I announce the appointment of Ms Andrea Faulkner as Australia’s Ambassador to Israel. Ms Faulkner replaces Mr James Larsen who has been Ambassador since September 2006. She is expected to take up her appointment in March 2010.

Australia and Israel’s longstanding and warm friendship is based on Australia’s historical support for Israel and our shared commitment to freedom, security and democracy. Australia was one of the first countries to formally recognise the State of Israel in 1949 and to establish diplomatic relations. Australia strongly supports Israel’s fundamental right to live in peace within secure and recognised borders. We support all efforts to secure a just and enduring peace in the region, with the objective of a two-state solution, where both Israelis and Palestinians can exist in peace and security.

Australia is proud of its Jewish community, which has made a significant contribution to Australian society and has given real depth and understanding to the bilateral relationship.

The commercial relationship is strong. As two sophisticated economies, there is good potential for further trade in ideas and new technologies between Australia and Israel, supported by the active business communities in both countries.

Ms Faulkner has extensive experience within the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. She was most recently Assistant Secretary, Africa Branch. Ms Faulkner has served overseas in Hanoi, Paris and Tel Aviv.

Ms Faulkner holds Bachelor degrees in Music and in Arts (Honours), and a Diploma in Education from the University of Adelaide.”

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