New afterschool Jewish education centre for Melbourne

November 27, 2012 by J-Wire Staff
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The United Jewish Education Board has announced the opening of its new centre for afterschool education in Bentleigh, Mellbourne.

Located at 549 Centre Road Bentleigh part of  Etz Chayim Progressive Synagogue complex, the school, called Mercaz Bentleigh, will offer Hebrew and Jewish Studies after school Monday to Thursday, 4:00 to 5:30 pm.

“Bentleigh is the growth corridor for young Jewish families” said UJEB president Yossi Goldfarb today, “and UJEB’s aim is to provide excellent Jewish education wherever it is needed.”

Merkaz Bentleigh’s program, as part of the network of UJEB schools, will focus on a blend of Jewish Studies and Modern Hebrew language and cover an array of Jewish topics such as festivals, history, customs, beliefs and values, the local Jewish community, and Israel. Our teachers are all passionate and engaging educators who strive to create enjoyable programs for Jewish children.

“We are reinventing the idea of the Hebrew Centre” commented UJEB’s Executive Director Marlo Newton. “Our school will be a vibrant blend of formal and experiential learning, with music and art and a range of hands-on activities.”

Parents will be able to have a choice of days, subject to demand, and send siblings on the same day, and the centre is located within walking distance of several local schools with large Jewish populations.

Etz Chayim President Frank Moore commented: “We are happy and excited to be opening our doors to the Bentleigh community as an educational centre for Jewish children.”

Enrolments for 2013 are now open. Further information is available on our website or at the office 9038 5028.

Other afterschool options include UJEB centres at Gardenvale Primary, Caulfield Junior College and Malvern Primary.


One Response to “New afterschool Jewish education centre for Melbourne”
  1. Mandi Katz says:

    very exciting. Well done to all involved. Great leadership to see where the need really is and to address it.

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