Netanyahu’s media briefing

October 16, 2015 Agencies
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Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has told a media conference that a Palestinian boy Israel is accused of executing is being treated in Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem.

At the media briefing Netanyahu said:

Ahmad Manasra

Ahmad Manasra

“The current terror campaign in Israel is a result of continuous Palestinian incitement. First, on the al-Aqsa Mosque and the outrageous claims that we are changing the status quo there or intend to destroy it, and now we have a new big lie.

That new big lie is that Israel is executing Palestinians. Yesterday, President Mahmoud Abbas accused Israel of putting to death, executing an innocent Palestinian boy.

First of all, he’s not dead – he’s alive. Second, he’s not innocent – he tried to kill, murder, knife to death an innocent Israeli youngster, 13-years-old, riding a bicycle. This Palestinian terrorist is now being treated in Hadassah hospital in Israel.

The only way that we can fight this big lie and all the other lies that are hurled at Israel and spread in the Palestinian social network and from there to the world, is to tell the truth. This is what we will do today. We expect all our friends and anyone concerned with the facts and the truth to look at these facts, to see the truth and not to draw a false symmetry between Israeli citizens and those who would stab them and knife them to death.”

Click here for the presentation made by the Prime Minister 


One Response to “Netanyahu’s media briefing”
  1. Leon Poddebsky says:

    Have you heard the one about the ‘Palestinian’ Arab father who wanted to take a midday nap, but couldn’t because his children were making a noise.
    So he thought of this solution: he concoted a story that at the local market, a certain vendor was giving away (free) watermelons, and that worked: his children promptly went to get their free melons.
    As he tried to fall asleep, the father thought to himself, ” Hey, wait a minute, they’re giving away free watermelons at the market, and I’m in bed trying to sleep????”and he, too, took himself off to the market.
    When he got there, he heard an argument: the vendor was telling the outraged children that they would need to pay for the merchandise.
    Upon hearing this, the father burst into a paroxysm of fury, called the vendor a liar and cheat, and instructed his children to throw rocks at him and to destroy the vendor’s stock.

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