Netanyahu mourns Joan Rivers

September 5, 2014 by J-Wire Staff
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Iconic American comedian Joan Rivers passed away this week in New York at the age of 81. Among those mourning the loss is Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Joan Rivers

Joan Rivers

He said: “Joan Rivers brought laughter to millions around the world and was proud of her Jewish heritage and a vocal supporter of the State of Israel. We will miss her deeply and we send our heartfelt condolences to her family.”

Her daughter Melissa Rivers said:  “My mother’s greatest joy in life was to make people laugh. Although that is difficult to do right now, I know her final wish would be that we return to laughing soon.”


One Response to “Netanyahu mourns Joan Rivers”
  1. Liat Nagar says:

    Netanyahu saw a different Joan Rivers than the one I saw. I found her vulgar, vainglorious, narcissistic, with no perceived pride in her Jewish heritage, indeed no respect either (see her comments on Rabbis and her idea of a funeral not long before her death). She was self-serving and characterised all the worst American Hollywood traits. Perhaps those intimate with her could provide another side of her not publicly displayed. I didn’t find her funny either.

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