July 1, 2014 by J-Wire Staff
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The bodies of kidnapped Israeli teenagers Naphtali Frenkel, Gilad Sha’ar and Eyal Yifrach have been found near the spot in Gish Etzion from where they were abducted.

An IDF spokesperson has issued the following statement: Following extensive searches in order to retrieve the three abducted teens – Eyal Yifrah, Gilad Shaar and Naftali Frenkel – an effort led by the IDF, the Israel Security Agency (ISA) and the Israel Police, three bodies were discovered in the area north-west to Hebron, north of the Israeli community of Telem. The bodies are currently going through forensic identification. The families of the abducted teens have been notified.”

With the announcement that the bodies of the three boys had been found Israel’s President Shimon Peres said: “All of Israel bows it’s head today. For 18 days we hoped and prayed with one voice that we would find the boys safe and well. With this bitter news all of Israel mourns their deaths. Along with our deep sense of loss we remain committed to bringing the terrorists to justice. Our resolve in the fight against terror will only strengthen and we will ensure that murderous terrorism of this sort will not dare to rear its head again.”

President Peres continued saying: “At this difficult time my thoughts and prayers are with the family. They educated their children with dedication and embedded within them a love of their country”

Before the start of yesterdays security cabinet meeting, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said:  “With heavy grief, this evening we found three bodies. All signs indicate that they are the bodies of our three abducted youths – Eyal Yifrach, Gilad Shaar and Naftali Frankel.

They were abducted and murdered in cold blood by human animals. On behalf of the entire Jewish People, I would like to tell the dear families – the mothers, fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers, and brothers and sisters – we are deeply saddened, the entire nation weeps with you. We will give the boys a proper burial. ‘Vengeance for the blood of a small child,  Satan has not yet created.’ (<>); neither has vengeance for the blood of three pure youths, who were on their way home to meet their parents, who will not see them anymore. Hamas is responsible – and Hamas will pay. May the memories of the three boys be blessed.”

The World Jewish Congress has released this statement.

Gilad Sha'er

Gilad Sha’er

Naftali Frenkel

Naftali Frenkel

Eyal Yifrach

Eyal Yifrach

“News that the three Israeli teenagers kidnapped by terrorists on 12 June 2014 from a hitchhiking point in Gush Etzion near the West Bank city of Hebron were murdered was met with shock and outrage by the leaders of the World Jewish Congress (WJC). WJC President Ronald S. Lauder said the thoughts of the entire international Jewish community were with the families of Naphtali Fraenkel, Gilad Sha’ar and Eyal Yifrach. The bodies of the three were discovered on Monday near the site of their abduction.

Israeli authorities have evidence that the abduction was done by members of the Islamist Hamas movement, which runs the Gaza Strip and recently entered into agreement with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah group.

“We are beyond shocked, outraged and heartbroken by these despicable murders. Once again, Hamas has revealed its true colors: This group blatantly disregards human life, and it doesn’t even refrain from hijacking innocent teenagers. Those who committed this heinous crime must be hunted down and brought to justice.

“Clearly, Hamas is a terrorist organization, and it must be dismantled, and it is the responsibility of Mahmoud Abbas to remove all Hamas-linked officials from his government immediately and fight terrorism vigorously and urgently. Abu Mazen needs to show leadership now,” Lauder declared.

He also urged the international community, and in particular the United States and the European Union, to halt all financial support for the Palestinian Authority until Hamas is excluded from all government bodies. “This murder must spur the world into action, and the fight against fanatic, extremist groups such as Hamas must be stepped up urgently,” said the WJC president.”

Australia’s ambassador to Israel Dave Sharma has tweeted: “Shocked, saddened & outraged at reports that bodies of 3 kidnapped boys have been found. Condemn their murder wholeheartedly.”

IDF ambulance under attack

IDF ambulance under attack               Photo: Facebook

A Facebook page shows a photograph of the after effects of an Arab attack on the IDF ambulance carrying the bodies of the three young Israelis.




3 Responses to “MURDERED!”
  1. Paul Winter says:

    The murderers are not only sadists but cowards who steal out against unarmed youths and then silently hide the sacrifices to their god of hate.

    The attack on the IDF ambulance carrying the corpses says it all. The hate, the disrespect for the dead and for international norms are the hallmarks of the people that the high minded international community commands the Israel to appease, make concessions to and to make peace with.

    I have nothing but disgust and contempt for a people who glorify such depravity. They have forfeited any claim to be treated as members of the family of nations and they have nullified all of their false claims for statehood.

  2. David says:

    The IDF ambulance was attacked.
    I’m shocked at the barbaric evil motivated by Islam.

  3. As grandparents ourselves, we send our deepest sympathy to the parents, siblings, grandparents and families of the 3 young Israelis teenagers, their pain must be indescribable. All we can do is wish you all Long Life, and there are no more words to say.

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