“Mossad behind Christchurch”

March 27, 2019 by J-Wire Newsdesk
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The New Zealand Human Rights Commission has joined the backlash following a rabid speech made by the chairman of an Auckland mosque in which he “suspects’ the gunman who killed 50 worshippers in Christchurch got his funds from “Mossad” and “Zionist business”.


Ahmed Bhamji, chairman of the Mt Roskill Masjid E Umar, gave a speech last weekend at a rally in Auckland organised by a group named Love Aotearoa Hate Racism.

A member of the audience is seen and hearing supporting Bhamji’s rant.


The HRC tweeted: “Prejudice against Jewish people has no place in New Zealand,” it tweeted. “We must condemn racism, hate and antisemitism whenever we see it.”

The New Zealand Jewish Community’s spokesperson Juliet Moses told Newshub: “These conspiracy theories are dangerous lies. They put the Jewish community at risk, at a time of heightened security concerns. Conspiracy theories – particularly the idea that Jews (whether through the Jewish state or otherwise) are a malevolent controlling force in the world – are at the very core of antisemitism.”

A spokesperson for the Israeli embassy in Wellington said: “All the Israeli people, along with the people of New Zealand, mourned the horrendous terror massacre against Muslim worshippers in Christchurch.

The absurd accusation made by Mr. Bhamji is a regrettable expression of the basest antisemitic prejudice and we are confident that it is utterly rejected by the Muslim community leadership and by all New Zealanders.

At this time we want to convey again the deepest sympathy of the Israeli embassy and the state of Israel to the victims and families of the Masjid Al Noor and Linwood mosque attacks.”


5 Responses to ““Mossad behind Christchurch””
  1. Michael Burd says:

    And NSWJBD are spending their time and resources made available by the Jewish community to fundraise for the very same anti semites and hate mongers whilst at the same time another Jewish organisation AJA is fundraising for the rabbi of 12 children murdered by Muslim terrorists along with others recently at Ariel in Israel

    I know where my money is going that’s for sure

    The Muslims in NZ are bring well taken care of by their adoring PM they don’t need Dhimmi Jewish cash !

  2. Jan Poddebsky says:

    Love Aoteoroa hate racism unless it is antisemitism.
    The PM of New Zealand has called for unity and abandonment of racism in the community after the Christchurch massacre. I challenge her loudly to negate this outrageous public accusation based on a ‘feeling’ for the antisemitic posture that it is. The accusation is outrageous coming from an official of the Mt Roskill mosque. It is even more outrageous that he is not ‘afraid’ to make this public accusation. New Zealand has demonstrated that it shares his grief. Now let it demonstrate that it does not share his antisemitism. There would be shouts of islamophobia if an accusation like this were levelled at a Muslim community. The chairman should be given the opportunity to withdraw his accusation publicly. If this opportunity is refused the legal means available to deal with such behaviour should be invoked without discrimination.

  3. Sam Goldman says:

    This is the response to the goodness of heart of the naive Jewish communities like, American Jewish Committee & the New Zealand Jewish Council and many other Jewish organisations in Australia who are sending money to this mosque.
    As sad as the tragedy is, they cannot help but to declare their belief, exposing the hatred of jews.The hate against jews, is & was no doubt being repeated daily at the mosque’s prayer sessions, as it is in mosques all over the world by the leaders & many imams.
    By contrast the muslim reaction to the rockets fired into Israel, injuring 7 Israelis, is to rejoice & hand out sweets.
    Jews, wake up. Use your good heartedness & send your money to rebuild the homes destroyed & damaged in Israel.

    • V.J.Lazarus says:

      Well said Sam Goldman. I don’t see any news or articles where Muslims have contributed money to the NZ Muslims. Nor have I seen any global outcry regarding the rocket attack in Israel! Jews MUST give to Jews and to nobody else…least of all to those that wish you dead!

      Nation of peace my backside!!

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