Monte into lockdown
Sydney Jewish aged care provider Montefiore announced on Monday that its four residential care facilities would go into immediate lockdown in the face of the rapid escalation of the COVID-19 outbreak in NSW. Exemptions to the lockdown will be made on compassionate grounds for palliative support.

Montefiore Randwick
President David Freeman said: “This was a hugely difficult decision for the board and management to make, but we believe it is the best option available to us in this unprecedented situation to protect the health and safety of our residents. We are very aware of the social and emotional impact of this decision on them and their loved ones, but rest assured we are working tirelessly to support residents to live with choice, dignity and wellbeing, as always.”
While there have been no cases to date among residents or active staff, the lockdown to all visitors and non-essential contractors is the latest precautionary measure undertaken by Montefiore’s COVID-19 Management Team. As part of a specific Business Continuity Plan, this group has been meeting daily, refining and introducing new procedures and precautions guided by the latest advice from the Commonwealth Department of Health and NSW Public Health Unit (PHU).
Robust infection prevention and control measures are already in place across all residential care facilities. All staff are following strict reporting and self-isolation guidelines as well as undertaking additional training, and are now working at one site only as a precautionary measure.
Residents will continue to leave the premises for urgent medical appointments and are free to move around within their home and participate in activities in line with social distancing guidelines. Staff are working to establish a range of new and alternative allied health and leisure and lifestyle options to engage residents, as well as a program for keeping in touch with family and friends via video call.