Mitzvah Pledge Cards
September 5, 2014 by J-Wire Staff
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At a prayer rally organised by the Rabbinical Council of NSW last month in Sydney, RCNSW Vice President Rabbi Eli Feldman launched a “Mitzvah Pledge Cards” initiative.
Hundreds of the cards were then filled out by those in attendance, who committed to doing additional good deeds in honour of our brethren in Israel.
Chief Rabbi of Israel Rabbi David Lau addressed the rally live via Skype and kindly offered to personally deliver the pledge cards to the Kotel in Jerusalem.
RCNSW President Rabbi Yehoram Ulman was in Israel this week and accompanied the Chief Rabbi to the Kotel, where they placed the cards.
The cards now join millions of notes that have been placed at the Kotel for centuries, written by people from all walks of life.
Headlines were made a few years ago when US President Barack Obama placed a note at the Kotel and it was retrieved. His beautiful prayer included requests for protection and the wisdom to do what is right and just.
Placing a note did not make him good. It did not give him a wisdom or an ability to think at all. And he definitely needs both. Could not wait when he is out of the Office. This President is a shame.