Mitzvah Day roundup

November 20, 2013 by J-Wire Staff
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Organisations report how Mitzvah Day went for them…a big day for helping others and endorsed by Prime Minister Tony Abbott.



Melbourne's Jewish Care at work on Mitzvah Day

Melbourne’s Jewish Care at work on Mitzvah Day

It was a record breaking Mitzvah Day for Melbourne’s Jewish Care as more than two hundred volunteers, residents and community gathered to prepare Chanukah gifts while also celebrating upcoming International Volunteer Day.

Montefiore Homes Community Residence hosted the event, which included a BBQ, ballet concert, Israeli dancing and family fun day.

1500 Chanukah gift bags were packed for Jewish Care residents, clients and isolated community members. All ages were involved in decorating Chanukah holiday cards and making chocolate coin and dreidel gift bags.

CEO Bill Appleby said this year’s Mitzvah Day was an inspiration, highlighting community spirit. He applauded all those who contributed to the event and throughout the year.

“This is also the perfect opportunity to thank all of the wonderful volunteers who contribute to Jewish Care,” he said.

“Every day, Jewish Care’s volunteers give their time and energy to improve the lives of others – they visit elderly residents during their lunch breaks, generate activities and excursions, bring warmth and affection to the isolated and lonely in their homes and companionship to those living with a disability.”

“There is no better time than International Volunteer Day on 5 December to highlight the impact these people make to the lives of Jewish people and people in the broader community.”

Volunteer Avi Bendetsky said, “Attending Jewish Care’s Mitzvah Day with my kids was an excellent opportunity to show them the beauty of volunteering in such a happy, joyful environment. In fact, my little ones wanted to come back the next morning for another day of Mitzvot at Jewish Care.”

The Jewish Community Council of Victoria were also heavily involved. Executive Director David Marlow said:  “The JCCV Executive and members of the community donated non-perishable kosher food, toiletries and stationery to the Melbourne Hebrew Ladies Benevolent Society. The JCCV Executive wrapped care packages this Mitzvah Day and they are being distributed to families in need.”

Organiser Judy Feiglin sent this message: “So many people were involved in so many ways in bringing a little joy, reducing hardship and helping the environment.”

Pix below:

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