Mitzvah Day at TBI

November 3, 2015 by J-Wire Staff
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Throughout the year members of Melbourne’s  Temple Beth Israel have been actively involved in supporting the broader community embracing TBI’s Mitzvah Day program.


This is another opportunity for generations of families to give and work together for a variety of worthy causes.

Prior to Mitzvah Day people are encouraged to bring along early learning books, textas and pencils be donated to the Ardoch Youth Foundation, to help children living in disadvantaged communities with the transition from kinder to prep. Children’s clothing (sizes 0000-10) is needed for St Kilda Mums, an organisation that rehomes new and pre-loved baby goods to families in need.

IMG_8236Last year the collection bins at the TBI office were overflowing. Members have proven themselves incredibly generous with both donated items and their time, and they are encouraged to help sort through the collection at TBI on the afternoon of Mitzvah Day, and assist with delivery to those charities during the following week.

Multiple activities are scheduled on and off site on 15 November. While all activities are designed to be multi-generational, Young TBI (a group of 20 and 30 somethings) will be working at the St Kilda Mums warehouse, the Binah students (bnei mitzvah age) will learn about tzedakah from the Ardoch Youth Foundation, and the TBI Tamid (primary school aged) students will join in the making of chocolate balls and sweet slices for St Paul’s Community Lunch.

For adults wishing to join a group cooking experience, TBI is seeking volunteers to prepare meals for families of sick children at Monash Children’s Hospital’s Ronald McDonald House. Another contingent of members will sing and entertain residents across a number of aged care facilities.

Activities taking place at TBI include a working bee, sorting through donated goods and through the TBI library.

Mitzvah Day begins at TBI on Sunday 15 November at 8.30am with bagels, and conclude at 3.30pm with a sausage sizzle. Come for the morning, the afternoon or stay all day!

To sign up for any of these activities, please use the Mitzvah Day link at

To join Mitzvah Day Projects across Australia, please visit

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