Mini Limmud in Sydney

June 19, 2012 by J-Wire Staff
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Yom Limmud packed a wonderfully varied program of subjects into one very busy day for its organisers and presenters.

Dr Ian Kern discusses dying

Clive Lawton in full swing

Held in the shiny new Tyree Energy building on the University of New South Wales campus, Yom Limmud dealt with subjects including the Holocaust, feminisim and orthodox Jewry, Israel’s new natural gas phenomenon, Jewish mantras, the emergence of women in Israel’s public life, religion and work, monodramas, our eating habits, what should Jews think about Israel? philosophy…the list goes on and on and included a discussion on dying and an analysis of the humour of Sacha Baron-Cohen.

Three of the speakers featured on a live video cross. One of the highlight speakers was Londoner Clive Lawton who is a co-founder of the Limmud initiative.

Organiser Michael Misrachi told J-Wire: “We had over 250 register for the program and made good use of the four room allocated to us by the University. The feedback has been terrific and the Limmud concept will continue to grow both in stature and numbers.


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