Melton in Sydney

February 23, 2015 by J-Wire Staff
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2015 promises to be Melton’s most successful year yet since its move to the University of Sydney. 

AJN-ad-Semester-3501The Melton network is expanding and in the first semester our dynamic learning program will be held at seven locations around Sydney. We are thrilled to be offering Melton at two new venues by partnering with The Great Synagogue in the city and Southern Sydney Synagogue at Allawah. Melton has never been taught at these locations before and the positive response from their board and members highlights the need for intellectual adult Jewish education. Our two new courses are a perfect opportunity for Melton graduates to return to their Melton learning.

The Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning, a project of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, encourages discussion and debate about Jewish culture, history, philosophy and practice. Its success is Sydney is largely to its excellent faculty. The link to the Department of Hebrew, Biblical and Jewish Studies at the University of Sydney ensures that we have access to a high calibre of teaching staff, many of whom are members or graduates of the department. We welcome Tracey Sareff to our faculty and know she will make a great contribution to our school.

Dr Michael Abrahams-Sprod will teach Beyond Borders: The History of the Arab-Israeli Conflict. The course, which has proven to be extremely popular, will be offered again at the Montefiore Home, Randwick as well as at the two new locations in the city and Allawah. This Melton text-based course provides tools for understanding and critiquing events as the explosive conflict in Israel continues to unfold. It encourages discussion and debate while challenging students to appreciate the basis of conflicting historical events. The course will be offered again later in the year at other locations. David Lipworth, who did the course last year, says ‘The Beyond Borders course is guaranteed to broaden your perspective on the Arab/Israel conflict.  The teacher is both informative and entertaining and, whilst encouraging of discussion and debate, quickly filters opinion and generalisation from fact and can adeptly argue both sides.  The course is a great way to learn more about the history and nuances of the conflict.”

Dr Orna Triguboff will teach the Kabbalah and Mysticism: Secret Knowledge in Judaism at Emanuel Synagogue. Kabbalah today is one of the best known facets of Judaism, yet also one of the least understood. This new Melton Scholars course, which Orna taught twice last year, enables participants to gain familiarity with the rich history of Jewish mysticism, and an understanding of many of the texts that have been so central to that tradition. Presented chronologically, the course provides an opportunity for discussing the progression of Jewish mystical tradition over hundreds of years.

Rhythms and Purposes of Jewish Living with Michael Abrahams-Sprod and Tracey Sareff, will be offered at Cremorne Synagogue. This is the second year of Melton at the synagogue, where it has been highly successful, thanks to the support from Rabbi Yossi Friedman and the board members, many of whom are doing the course. Ethics of Jewish Living will be taught at North Shore Synagogue and Beth WIZO, Woollahra by Simon Holloway, Rabbi Zalman Kastel and Rebbetzin Esty Gutnick.

This popular course examines how Jewish teachings shed light on contemporary issues such as the environment, abortion, end-of-life decisions and stem cell research.

Evie Weltlinger, who has been studying Melton for two years says, ‘Melton courses are a wonderful way to learn, to appreciate and to begin to understand our incredibly diverse and rich Jewish heritage, history, culture  and religion. The lecturers are highly learned and inspiring, and excel in their method of imparting knowledge. Naturally, there is the added bonus of meeting interesting people, who share a love for Israel and a love of learning about our identity.’

Enquiries: Jillian Fine (Melton Director) 9344-8038, 0410497870

For more information, head to



3 Responses to “Melton in Sydney”
  1. Liat Nagar says:

    The Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning is wonderful in its scope, always utilising skilled and appropriate teachers for its courses. The Sydney offerings mentioned are rich indeed.

    From 1997-1999 I was immersed in Florence Melton studies in Melbourne, during which time I participated in a two week study tour in Israel, which comprised fourteen students from Melbourne and Sydney. For me, the whole thing proved to be part of a turning point in my life. I’m assuming the course is still available in Melbourne, so perhaps publish details of their offerings each year as well. I’ve mentioned this once before on J-Wire. We don’t want to be Sydney-centric!

  2. Rabbi Pinchos Woolstone says:

    sophisticated Jewish esposure to and the study of original texts i.e. Chumash with the commentary of Rashi and more, in-depth Talmud learning, Rabbinic response, Chassidut and Mussar, create a desire to live a Jewish Life.
    Positive energy inoculates against negative influences.

  3. Schneur Naji says:

    what a great opportunity, for Jews to immerse themselves in Jewish thought… a nurturing atmosphere

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