Melbourne’s Netzer on the move

July 26, 2022 by J-Wire Newsdesk
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A two-year search for a moadon (clubhouse) culminated this week with Netzer Melbourne moving into new premises, which they’re calling Hashoresh, at the Beth Weizmann Jewish Community Centre.

Netzer members on camp

Toby Zayontz, Netzer Melbourne’s mazkir (chairperson), said: “Netzer is proud and delighted to enter the first phase of the fulfilment of a 43-year-old dream to establish a Netzer moadon.

“We hope that Hashoresh will become a space over which our chanichim feel ownership and empowerment, allowing us to better fulfil our aims of education on Progressive Judaism, Reform Zionism, and Tikkun Olam. Hashoresh will not only serve Netzer but will be a hub for all Progressive youth and young adults.

He added, “We are also happy to join the Beth Weizmann family and look forward to creating meaningful partnerships with the other tenants.

“This is the culmination of two years of work and we would like to thank all those who have supported us, especially all Progressive congregations in Melbourne and Progressive Judaism Victoria.”

Chair of Beth Weizmann Sam Tatarka said, “Beth Weizmann Jewish Community Centre is absolutely delighted to be welcoming Netzer to its new maon.

“Netzer’s decision was based on our location in the geographic heart of the Jewish community and our capacity to offer a range of secure facilities that are ideal for communal activity.”

Netzer was founded at TBI in 1979. Today it boasts 40 madrichim and reaches 300 chanichim every year.

Beth Weizmann is owned and operated by Zionism Victoria.

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