Melbourne jurist Alan Goldberg passes away

July 25, 2016 by  
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Alan Goldberg an Australian jurist who served as a judge of the Federal Court of Australia,has died in Melbourne.

The remarkable legal career of Alan Goldberg AO QC and his contribution within and beyond the Australian legal profession has been acknowledged in the establishment of the Alan Goldberg Scholarship at Melbourne Law School.

The scholarship was launched at by Arnold Bloch Leibler last year will be awarded to Melbourne Juris Doctor (JD) students who have demonstrated both academic merit and serious financial need.

Alan Goldberg

Alan Goldberg

The launch was attended by the Governor of Victoria the Hon. Linda Dessau AM, Justice of the High Court of Australia the Hon. Michelle Gordon, Chancellor of the University of Melbourne, Elizabeth Alexander, as well as other dignitaries, the major donors and Mr Goldberg’s family.

During his welcome address at the launch, University of Melbourne alumnus and Senior Partner at Arnold Bloch Leibler (ABL) Mark Leibler talked about the significant contribution of Alan Goldberg to the legal profession and ABL specifically.

“Alan has assisted us to solve some of the most difficult problems for our clients, using not only his extraordinary knowledge of the law, but also by the practical application of his special skills. I know he still gives wise advice and counsel to many people, and we thank him for that.”

Mr Leibler also spoke about the importance of the scholarship.

“The Alan Goldberg Scholars will create a lasting recognition of Alan’s deep commitment to the law, and his abiding love and support of education. We believe this scholarship will play a significant role in the lives of many talented young Australians who aspire to achieve a fine legal education at Melbourne Law School.”

In addition to providing much-needed support for these students, the Scholarship will serve as a lasting recognition of Mr Goldberg’s deep commitment to the law and support for access to education.

Professor Carolyn Evans, Dean of Melbourne Law School said that the Scholarship, developed by friends and colleagues, is testament to the standing he is held in the profession and beyond.

“We are delighted that, through this Scholarship, Alan Goldberg will be held up as a role model to succeeding generations of law students. Both as a lawyer and a judge, Alan is known for combining exceptional intellect with personal modesty and a deep commitment to fairness.

“Students awarded this scholarship will be inspired by his example.

“We are very grateful to the following donors who have made all of this possible: Marc and Eva Besen, Gandel Philanthropy, the Lew family and the Pratt Foundation,” she said.

The Honourable Alan Henry Goldberg AO QC, LLB(Hons) graduated from the University of Melbourne in 1962. He was called to the bar in 1965 and appointed Queen’s Counsel for Victoria in 1978. He also served as a Federal Court judge from 1997 to 2010 and was President of the Australian Competition Tribunal from 2003 to 2008.

For his service to the judiciary, particularly in the areas of competition, law and equity, to the community as a contributor to debate on human rights and civil liberties, and as a supporter of the arts, he was appointed an Officer in the Order of Australia (AO) in 2005.

This report was prepared the University of Melbourne.

Alan Goldberg had been a long-term supporter of The Australia/Israel and Jewish Affairs Council. President Mark Leibler and executive director Dr Colin Rubenstein said: “AIJAC mourns the passing of the Honourable Alan Goldberg AO QC, and extends our deepest  and heartfelt sympathy to his family . Alan’s wise counsel, loyalty and friendship will be sorely missing by everyone at AIJAC, where he played an important and valuable role over many years.”

Alan Goldberg:  Born Melbourne 7 August 1940  and died in 23 July 2016


2 Responses to “Melbourne jurist Alan Goldberg passes away”
  1. M B says:

    I only learned about Alan’s passing on Wednesday. I Only managed to find this page yesterday.
    I offer my condolences to the Goldberg family & wish them all Long Life.

  2. Hannie Ter Laare says:

    Alan,you were not only the husband of one of the friends since my youth,you were a friend.
    I have never thanked you enough for all you have done for my daughters.During her two years of high school in Melbourne my daughter,Rhoda,spent the weekends at your house and you drove her on Monday mornings to the train station,so she could go to school.
    When Rita,my then indecisive younger daughter visited Australia,you took her with you to the court to see you in action.From that moment she never wavered in her decision.She became a lawyer.
    I have lived my adult life outside Australia,my own contact with you was limited to very occasional visits.
    You will live on in my memory as one of the best,one of the kindest,one of the most welcoming persons I have ever met.
    I offer my condolences to your wife,the friend I most admired during my life,Rachel.

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