Melbourne awards community leaders

November 17, 2015 by David Marlow
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Over 200 people from across Melbourne’s Jewish community have attended  the JCCV 2015 Community Recognition Awards.

Awards group

Awards group

The Awards were presented by Australian Race Discrimination Commissioner, Dr Tim Soutphommasane who spoke about the importance of community, the exceptional community focus of the Victorian Jewish community and the issue of antisemitism. Dr Soutphommasane applauded the work of the JCCV and the B’nai B’rith Antidefamation Commission in combatting antisemitism.

The prestigious General Sir John Monash Award was awarded to Tony Levy who is a dedicated and highly respected role model in the community, with decades of commitment to the community, in particular to Jewish Care Victoria, B’nai B’rith and the JCCV.

Lauren Mandel was awarded the JCCV Young Leader Award for her commitment and drive in working on the Maccabi All Abilities Project. Her dedication to social inclusion for Jews of all abilities was applauded. This was only the second year that the JCCV Young Leader Award was presented.

Jennifer Huppert, President of the JCCV said, “Our volunteers are crucial to the successful operation of our community organisations, and they help maintain the healthy and vibrant nature of our community.”

A highlight of the evening was the St Kilda Hebrew Congregation Choir who sang a medley of World War 1 songs in honour of the ANZAC Centenary, and a number of Hebrew songs, featuring a rousing rendition of Adon Olam.

Ms Huppert stated, “We recognise and thank the volunteers from the 22 Jewish community organisations for their contribution, selfless devotion and commitment to the community”:

  • Marina Prostakova – Australian Forum of Russian Speaking Jewry
  • Kim Jaffa – Blake Street HC
  • Claude Fromm – B’nai B’rith Victoria
  • Tom Gorog – Emmy Monash
  • Amit Rehak – JCAM
  • Delysia Pahoff – Jewish Care Victoria
  • Dr David Ringelblum – Jewish Labor Bund
  • Ronnit Schreiber – JTAFV
  • Dalia & John Furstenberg – Kehilat Nitzan
  • Michael Lawrence – King David School
  • Michael Polak – Leo Baeck Centre
  • Justin Lipson – Maccabi Victoria
  • Dr Victor Wayne – Melbourne HC
  • Vivien Brass – NCJWA
  • Marlene Oppenheim – NEJC
  • Borys Feldmann – Shalom Association
  • Lilly Kochen – Sholem Aleichem College
  • David Eden – St Kilda HC
  • Jarrod White – Stand Up
  • Sue Morgan – Temple Beth Israel
  • Julie Leder – VAJEX Australia
  • Sam Tatarka – Zionism Victoria

Those attending represented a wide range of affiliates of the Jewish Community Council of Victoria (JCCV).

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