MASA Program Ready to Go

January 18, 2011 by J-Wire Staff
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The Zionist Federation of Australia (ZFA) is thrilled to announce a significant increase to universal grants available to MASA Israel participants aged 21 – 30. The grants will be available for programs starting July , enhancing the viability for many young people to take part in the diverse opportunities afforded by MASA Israel Journey programs.

This increase sees a US$2,000 rise in the universal grants available to all eligible participants over 21 years embarking on 5-6.5 month programs – from US$1,000 to US$3,000. Even greater universal grants are available for longer term programs: US$3,750 for 7-9.5 month programs and US$4,500 for 10 month programs. Additional means-tested scholarships of US$5,000 – US$10,000 also remain available to assist participants to cover the costs of the programs.

These increases will assist Jewish young adults embark on various study abroad, post-university and volunteer programs, allowing them to explore career, professional and character-building opportunities.

Philip Chester, ZFA President said that, “we hope these increased financial incentives will draw more participants to the incredible range of MASA post-university programs now available”.

MASA Israel Journey programs are constantly expanding and diversifying, providing young people with a sundry of programs ranging from volunteer and community service to academic, graduate internship and career development programs. All programs provide participants with the opportunity to define their Jewish identities, whilst building skills and knowledge in a dynamic global field.

MASA is the Hebrew word for “journey”.

Applications for programs departing in July 2011 have now opened.

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