Malka Leifer’s legal team launches appeal

July 8, 2020 by J-Wire Newsdesk
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Israel media has reported that alleged child sex abuser Malka Leifer twelve days ahead of the beginning of the extradition hearing which, if successful, will see her returned from Israel to Melbourne.

Malka Leifer in court June 14, 2018 Photo: Hillel Maeir/TPS

Leifer is facing 74 charges of child sexual abuse during her tenure of being principal of the Adass Yisroel School between 2003 and 2008 when she fled to Israel.

She has persistently avoided the extradition citing psychiatric problems in facing a court. Recently, a Jerusalem court handed down a decision that she is, in fact, fit to participate in the extradition hearing.

Her lawyers have launched an appeal against this decision in Israel’s Supreme Court.

Child sexual abuse advocate Manny Waks is based in Israel and has closely monitored the case.

He said: “This appeal was completely expected. Of course, every defendant is entitled to due process, so we will anxiously await the outcome of this process. However, based on the evidence, and as someone who has followed this case very closely, I expect this appeal to be promptly overturned, and for Leifer to be extradited to Australia in the near future.”

Three Melbourne sisters are alleged victims of Malka Leifer.

One of them, Nicole Meyer, told J-Wire: “The news for us was definitely expected. There is always that niggling doubt that maybe this time it will not our way as it has happened many times before. But we still have faith in the justice system. It took six long years to get an answer we could have had on day one. ”

She said the justice system must realise she needs to come back and face justice.

She added: “Hopefully, one day, we will put this behind us.”

Dave Sharma, the Federal Liberal member for Wentworth, was Australia’s ambassador to Israel when this case was unfolding. He told J-Wire: “This appeal was not unexpected, and everyone is entitled to due process. However, having followed this case closely, I expect the appeal will be unsuccessful and we can move quickly to the extradition process for Ms Leifer. Australia will not rest until Ms Leifer is extradited to Australia to face the very serious charges against her in court.”

Labor Federal MP for Macnamara Josh Burns said: “This appeal is disappointing but not surprising.

It is important that any further delays must be avoided.

Malka Leifer has a well-resourced legal team who have managed to delay this case through 66 court hearings. They are entitled to appeal but this cannot be an excuse to delay the extradition hearing finally slated for July 20.

Dassi Erlich, Nicole Meyer and Elly Sapper have been waiting for justice for far too long. It’s time for Malka Leifer to face justice in Australia.”

Jeremy Leibler, the president of the Zionist Federation of Australia, added: “The cynicism of Leifer’s legal team runs very deep.

For a time, Leifer successfully hoodwinked the state into thinking she was mentally unfit to stand trial, so of course, she was administered medication in line with the diagnosis her legal team sought. By attempting to sue the state for doing so, they’ve highlighted the falsity of their previous claims.”

As the courageous Dassi Erlich has noted, Leifer’s lawyers are claiming she is fit to stand trial in a civil suit, but not in an extradition trial. It is shameful.”

The extradition case is due to start in the Jerusalem District Court on July 20

Currently, there is no date set for the appeal.


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2 Responses to “Malka Leifer’s legal team launches appeal”
  1. Adrian Jackson says:

    Opps typo above, paying not paining and protracted not protested. Sorry I need new glasses.

  2. Adrian Jackson says:

    She must have big bank account for someone who is not working. Who is paining for her protected defence and delaying tactics?

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