Magen David Adom shifts into a higher gear
In the wake of the spread of the Coronavirus in Israel, Magen David Adom is preparing to significantly increase the number of people being tested throughout the country, to thousands a day.

MDA paramedic prepares to test
Most of the samples will be collected, starting tomorrow, in Drive-thru complexes, to which citizens will arrive in their private vehicles, with the sample taken while they are sitting in the vehicle.
For this purpose, Magen David Adom, in collaboration with Minister of Health Yaakov Litzman and Director General of the Ministry of Health Moshe Bar Siman Tov, decided to set up the drive-through complex in Tel Aviv in the first phase, and later five more in Haifa, Jerusalem, Petah Tikva, Rishon Lezion and Be’er Sheva. The complexes will operate 24 hours a day, and they are expected to reach hundreds to thousands of Israelis each day. The complexes will be located in open areas, which allow for continuous entry and exit of vehicles, such as parking of football fields and parking lots. Each of the complexes will be staffed by Magen David Adom teams, members of the Israeli police and security guards, who will maintain public order. Patients who are unable to access the complex without the use of public transport will be able to do the sampling in their home, as it has been so far.
Anyone approved by a physician to be sampled will receive an SMS message with the details, and will be asked to arrive at the new compound at the specified time, will go through identification process while the team wear full anti-infectious gear, throughout the process, the tested person will remain in his vehicle and then drive back directly to his home.