Lord Sacks says Jews now hated for their nation State

June 9, 2015 Agencies
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At a roundtable discussion entitled “Islam and BDS in Europe: A Strategic Threat?”, held today at the 2015 Herzliya Conference, Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, Chief Rabbi Emeritus of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth discussed the issue of new antisemitism and its manifestation with the BDS movement, claiming that “Anti-Zionism is the new antisemitism” and calling on Europe to support Jews in opposition against this new form of racism.

Lord Jonathan Sacks    Photo: Or Ghefen

Lord Jonathan Sacks Photo: Or Ghefen

Lord Sacks argued that we are facing today a new development of antisemitism. If in the past Jews were hated because of religion, and later race, “Today they are hated for the new nation-state.” said Lord Sacks.

He continued explaining that “The assault on Jews has had to justify itself in highest cannon of authority.” In the Middle Ages religion was the highest form of authority, and in the 19th century it was science, argued Sacks. Therefore, “the scientific study, that today we know is a pseudo-science of race and social Darwinism was used to justify hate against Jews.”

“Now, human rights are the highest form of authority. For this reason it is used against Israel. The new antisemitism has to be spoken in the language of human rights.” said Sachs.

Sacks concluded: “We need to make it clear that if Europe is not safe for Jews, it is not safe for them either. It is an assault on freedom. We must not be left to face this battle alone.”

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