A letter about the Monte letter

November 30, 2014 by  
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The Board of Sydney’s Montefiore Home recently circulated their members advising them that nominations had been registered for the positions of president, vice-president and treasurer at next Sunday’s AGM. A reader comments on the letter…


Dear Sir
Having been involved for many years with Jewish Community organisations I am personally deeply disappointed that the Board of Management of The Montefiore Home felt it necessary to issue their recent letter regarding nominees to the Montefiore Board.
Without wishing to be seen as partisan, in any sense of the word, the intensity of the language used hardly seems appropriate for an organisation that has and wishes to retain high standing within the Jewish Community.
The long-term success of any organisation is fundamentally dependent on its capacity to change to meet new challenges. Succession planning is one of the keys to renewal. Certainly from the perspective of good governance, corporate constitutions should reflect this.
The Montefiore Home is a recipient of generous support from JCA and should abide by their recommendations for good governance. These include a formal transparent process for the nomination and selection of Board appointees with limited terms of appointment.
The Jewish Community does not need unnecessary discord in the relationships between organisations providing essential services to the community, and similarly that applies within organisations.
Yours faithfully

Henry Wirth


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