Leifer to stay in jail

October 11, 2019 by Henry Benjamin
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Judge Anat Baron has ruled that Malka Leifer is a flight risk and refused bail to Malka Leifer who will remain in jail as she continues her attempt to avoid extradition to Australia where she faces 74 charges of child sexual abuse.

Malka Leifer in court June 14 Photo: Hillel Maeir/TPS

One of her alleged victims at the Adass Yisroel school in Melbourne Dassi Erlich told J-Wire: “After an intense few weeks of complete let downs and betrayal from the Israeli justice system the latest supreme court ruling has raised out hopes in this process again. This is the right decision and we are happy a judge has acknowledged Malka Leifer’s flight risk.”

Leifer had applied for bail in an attempt to avoid prison and rather face house arrest.

Child sexual abuse advocate Manny Maks said: “I welcome today’s ruling by Judge Baron. It is absolutely the right decision.

I have always maintained that Leifer belongs in prison until she faces the extradition hearing and is ultimately extradited back to Australia to face justice.

Today’s ruling is an important one – for Leifer’s courageous alleged victims, for other victims of child sexual abuse and for those of us who have been losing faith in the Israeli justice system.

Hopefully, the tide is changing, and Leifer will finally be held to full account – despite the desperate, immoral and alleged illegal actions by her powerful supporters.

We continue to stand with the courageous Nicole, Dassi and Elly, and we will continue to do all we can to ensure full justice prevails.”

Australia’s Attorney-General Christian Porter is reported to be planning a visit in the coming months to discuss the case his Israeli counterpart.

Leifer fled Melbourne in 2008 just ahead of the charges being laid. She was arrested in Israel.

She has fought off her extradition case claiming mental health.

Police her arrested in 2018 on suspicion of obstruction of justice and she has been in prison since.




One Response to “Leifer to stay in jail”
  1. Liat Kirby says:

    It is past time for this nonsense to stop and for Malka Leifer to face the allegations made against her in an Australian court. The efforts of those in Israel, including an ultra-orthodox Knesset member, to do everything in their power to prevent this, to subvert justice as it were, is a very bad look for Israel and its justice system. I’m thankful that the Supreme Court is pointing things in the right direction by refusing bail. And kol hakevod to Israeli police and prosecutors for not giving up in their pursuit of truth and justice.

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