Leifer stays put…for now

March 9, 2018 by J-Wire Newsdesk
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As J-Wire reported yesterday the widespread stories that Malka Leifer, facing extradition to Australia over 74 charges of child sexual abuse would be released to the care of Rabbi Yitzhak Dovid Grossman and would be held in house arrest in his home would be subject to a prosecution appeal.

Malka Leifer released from handcuffs
Photo: AAP

The Israeli Supreme Court heard the appeal against the District Court’s decision to release Malka Leifer yesterday and has ruled that Leifer must remain in custody in the medical psychiatric facility until he makes his final ruling at a date to be finalised.

Sexual abuse advocate Manny Waks said: “We’re pleased the appeal was successful and the latest travesty of justice has been averted, at least temporarily. The fact that the District Court ruled to release Leifer based primarily on the views and commitments of Rabbi Grossman has justifiably continued to raise questions about the Israeli judicial process. As we’ve repeatedly stated, Leifer belongs in a court-room or at a medical facility where she can recuperate and ultimately face justice. There is simply no alternative – not for her alleged victims and not for the safety and well-being of Israeli children today.”

President of the Zionist Federation of Australia, Dr. Danny Lamm responded to the news that the decision to grant Malka Leifer bail has been reversed.

“It was very distressing to hear that Malka Leifer had been granted bail, so I welcome the news that this has now been reversed and her extradition hearing will take place later this month.

Israel’s court system adheres to and recognises the principles of the rule of law. The ZFA nevertheless remains appalled that Leifer and those around her continue to block extradition proceedings to ensure that she faces her day in court in this country.

My heart goes out to the victims who suffered abuse at her hands and are no doubt being subjected to further suffering the longer this ordeal gets drawn out.”



2 Responses to “Leifer stays put…for now”
  1. Yigal Sela says:

    I was very disturbed to learn of Rabbi Grossman’s offer. Personally, I have had great respect for the wonderful charitable work that Rabbi Grossman performs for the Israeli poor and needy. I find his intervention in this case as very sad and unwarranted. As a citizen of Israel, and as one that has huge pride and respect for the Israeli judicial system, I am embarassed and ashamed by the length of time taken in order to extradite this woman, who “ran away from justice” in Australia. I pray and hope, for the sake of justice , and all of her alleged victims, that the accused will be returned to Australia, sooner, as opposed to later, in order to face justice.

  2. LIZZIE MOORE says:

    It was a considerable shock, to learn that the alleged Perp was recently released into the care of elderly Rabban Grossman, so that he could “supervise her with the aid of his two assistants, in a house arrest.” It was very evident from some video published in Australia on the ABC news, taken outside the courtroom subsequently, that this honourable gentleman was struggling to cope with the task of gaoler. ~~ The case does underline, the substantial differences between the Australian and Israeli legal systems. One does have to hope, that the alleged Perp shall in due course be extradited to Australia. [Lizzie via Bendigo]

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