Leifer gets a change of chaplain
With the ultra-orthodox Malka Leifer imprisoned in Victoria facing 74 charges of child sexual abuse, the Department of Justice and Community Safety has dismissed the chaplain chosen to offer her counselling.

Malka Leifer
Fairfax Media reported that “a woman appointed by the Victorian government to provide religious counselling to accused paedophile Malka Leifer while she is in custody has been removed after it was revealed she knew two of Ms Leifer’s alleged victims”.
A spokesperson for the DJCS told J-Wire: “Corrections Victoria ensures that all prisoners are free to observe the religion of their choice and, as such, are provided with the appropriate support.
We require all chaplain service organisations to comply with its standards and policies.
Corrections Victoria does not discuss individual prisoners and has nothing further to add at this time.”
Fairfax reported that the former counsellor Shani Aron was known to Malka Leifer during the time Leifer lived in Melbourne.
I’m sure there are many who circled around to protect her aware perpetrators in many instances have been victims themselves.
In her case lips would be well and truly sealed.
There is not Fairfax media anymore. It was bought up by NEC which is part if the Channel 9 TV network.
Bad luck.
Small community .Limited choices.
She is not here for a holiday.