Leifer: an alleged victim speaks
Australian authorities are currently seeking the extradition from Israel of Malka Leifer wanted in connection with 74 cases of child sexual abuse…one of the alleged victims tells her story.

Malka Leifer
Leifer has not faced an extradition hearing since proceedings started almost a year ago as her lawyers claim she suffers psychotic experiences when confronted with a court appearance.
She fled from Melbourne to Israel in 2008 when it became apparent that she would have to face allegations of child sexual abuse from pupils at the Adass Israel school aw which she was the principal.
The victim approached Manny Waks, founder of child sexual abuse advocacy group Tzedek, who now lives in Israel.
Waks ha published on his blog:
One of Malka Leifer’s courageous alleged victims has asked me to publish the following….
“I have been quiet so long – suffering in silence, reading the news, hearing the filtered, censored updates of where Malka Leifer is holding,
The day she was arrested in Israel rocked my world, in a good and difficult way. Difficult because it brought on a fresh wave of emotions and triggers and good because finally, FINALLY the Jewish Orthodox world will give validation that I and many others were horrifically abused by this smiling charismatic monster.
What can I say except that as the months roll by and the manipulative woman that us students all knew so well is playing her games again, albeit at a much higher level and with a bulldog of a lawyer by her side who vowed that she will never return to Australia.
The nightmares, constantly, the days where food does not matter, the constant flashbacks every time her name is mentioned , the shroud of secrecy because you don’t want to be ostracised for wanting justice to prevail. The copious tears and alternating feelings of utter numbness. In this case, time does not heal, time is not healing. Time is prolonging the dreadful, all-consuming pain as month after month after month of this perilous heart wrenching journey, that smiling sick woman evades justice yet again and again.
It has been 18 months since Malka Leifer was arrested!! Where is Justice? Where is the court system that is on the victim’s side? Where is Malka Leifer? Why is she allowed to hide behind her supposed panic attacks? Is rape not considered crime enough to be trialled?? Where is justice?
I cannot go on much longer, life revolves around the closure a trial will provide.”
What sort of skewed perception is that, Miriam Fletcher?! The easy way out and avoiding the reality. The issue and focus point is the sexual abuse purportedly performed by this woman on minors and their right to have that addressed adequately both in court and personally/psychologically. The latter is their business, not yours. If there is flak to be taken as a result of any publicity in the wider world community, then so be it. The media and public well know that sexual abuse of young people is performed by those across the full spectrum of society. Jews are no exception and cannot be excused or swept under the carpet due to fear of anti-Semitism.
As to Malka Leifer’s six children, who is to say what kind of influence she is on them if she is guilty of the crimes she is accused of? If one murders, the fact that that person has children does not come into the ramifications of the act. Nor should this. It is a sorry situation for children when adults do not act responsibly or well; pity those adults don’t take that into consideration before performing their anti-social, anti-human acts.
Oy! And I thought Jews were smart.
Do you REALLY want that horrible woman back here – creating the craziest ever (albeit subtle) anti-Jewish festival in the media?
You will achieve nothing by having her victims reliving their suffering and being embarrassed (that is if they are even prepared to appear in court).
Currently she is under house arrest. Remember she has about half a dozen young kids – totally innocent – to look after.
Think of what could happen to them with their mum in jail in a farawy country
S. Terry, Perhaps Josh Frydenburg could have a go too?
Where is Michael Danby NOW? He only wakes up when there is an Israeli issue. Well, there is one onw. So speak up Mr. Danby!