LeDor VaDor: The Great Synagogue launches CD

December 21, 2020 by J-Wire Newsdesk
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Sydney’s The Great Synagogue is known for its beautiful choral services, sung by its cantor and choir and now has produced a CD.

The backbone of The Great Synagogue’s musical repertoire began with traditional Anglo-Jewish synagogue compositions. Over the years, numerous pieces have been added from a vast variety of different Jewish musical traditions from around the world.

Now, everyone can enjoy the music of The Great Synagogue, on a newly-released CD which is aptly titled LeDor VaDor – ‘From Generation to Generation’. The CD features liturgical music from different eras and synagogal choral traditions, merged into a unique collection. The music was recorded in The Great Synagogue to take advantage of the excellent acoustics of the building and to make the recording more meaningful and authentic for the singers and listeners. The beautiful pieces stir up deep emotions, especially for those lucky enough to have attended services at The Great.

Production of the CD was a tremendous effort on the part of Chazzan Josh Weinberger, who made Aliyah just after recording the CD, Choirmaster Justin Green and the Great Synagogue Choir. Rabbi Dr Benjamin Elton, Chief Minister of The Great Synagogue provided professional guidance, as he produced a CD of Victorian Synagogue music almost twenty years ago.

“This has been a long time in the making. Chazzan Weinberger was our Cantor for 5 years, leaving us in 2019, and this captured all the talent and musicality that he brought to our Shule during his time with us,“ says Rabbi Elton, “This is a fantastic recording of the talent of Josh and the Choir. We’ve produced an authentic Great Synagogue sound and this production reflects what the music of The Great Synagogue is all about.”

Lifelong Great Synagogue member Debbie Sleigh produced the CD. She says, “Seventy-four years ago, my parents Nina and Neil Glasser were married at The Great Synagogue with my mother’s father Rabbi Falk presiding. My brother, sister and I know how much my parents loved the choral music of The Great Synagogue services and we have sponsored this CD of ‘Great Music’ in their honour.”

The CD can be purchased from The Great Synagogue website in both CD and Digital formats and streamed on all music listening platforms.

Visit www.greatsynagogue.org.au/musicstore

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