Law Shabbat becomes Law Wednesday

February 6, 2014 by J-Wire Staff
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Arrangements for the Jewish Service at Sydney’s The Great Synagogue traditionally marking the beginning of the 2014 Law Term have been dramatically altered from past years.

Justice Stephen Rothman

Justice Stephen Rothman

The Service, originally held on a Shabbat morning and then moved to a Friday evening at the request of Chief Justice Jim Spigelman, has been moved again.

It will now be held next week – on Wednesday, 12 February at 5:30pm. It will be followed by drinks for all guests – another innovation – to be followed by dinner. The cost of attending the dinner is $125 a head.

“The move was intended to accommodate many Jewish lawyers who found it prohibitive or inconvenient to walk home after the Service (or dinner), or who prefer to have a family dinner on Friday nights,” said Justice Stephen Rothman.

All members of the community are welcome to attend the service, “which is a real spectacle”, Justice Rothman added.

Judges and counsel, wearing robes and wigs as appropriate for their position, will proceed into the synagogue, led by NSW Chief Justice Tom Bathurst, after which a brief service will be held. Many non-lawyers annually attend to enjoy the spectacle.

Chief Justice Allsop of the Federal Court of Australia will be the guest speaker at the dinner.

“Unfortunately, this year will be the last at which Rabbi Jeremy Lawrence will officiate,” Justice Rothman added. “We encourage judges, lawyers and other members of the community to turn out for what will be a memorable occasion.”

Inquiries: The Great Synagogue 9267 2477 or


One Response to “Law Shabbat becomes Law Wednesday”
  1. At those prices it must be a huge spectacle, then again Lawyers are very well off are they not? I’d love to be a fly on the wall with a camera to record this event.

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