Lag B’Omer parade for Bondi
April 25, 2021 by A J-Wire community service announcement
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Sydney’s Shul and Our Big Kitchen have organised the “Great Lag B’Omer Parade” for this coming Thursday.
Rabbi Chaim Levy told J-Wire: “Jews in Sydney are standing with the Jewish people, our brothers and sisters in Jerusalem, all of Israel and the whole world.
Showing our pride as Jewish Australian’s, marching down Bondi Road standing up against the anti Semitic attacks around the world.
Especially what we’ve seen in Israel the last couple of weeks where Jewish people have been threatened in Jerusalem from going to the kotel and having true freedom – this an answer to all that has been happening, here we send a message of hope and strength, we walk proudly and publicly to show our Jewish pride and freedom in this incredible country of Australia and stand with our brothers and sisters all over the world.

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