Labor MPs visit Israel
June 16, 2014 by J-Wire Staff
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A high-level Federal Labor party delegation has recently returned from Israel, after taking part in the Rambam study program offered by the Australia-Israel & Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC).
The group included Senators Penny Wong and Deborah O’Neill, and MPs Gai Brodtmann, Stephen Jones, Tim Watts and Dr. Jim Chalmers.
In meetings with AIJAC friends and supporters in Sydney and Melbourne, members of the group reflected on their experience, having met with Israeli and Palestinian leaders, analysts and laypeople in both professional and informal settings.
Among the highlights of the visit cited by the returning lawmakers included meetings was Yad Vashem, meetings with Israeli Jewish and Arab youth in and around Jerusalem, as well as Palestinian officials in Ramallah and a refugee camp in Bethlehem.
The group also visited Israel’s northern border, and had the opportunity to visit Ziv Medical Center, where some badly wounded Syrians from that country’s bloody civil war have been treated